Emmanuel Macron considered sanctioning the families “financially” during a meeting Monday evening with the police in Paris to which he gave his “support” after several nights of riots which mobilized imposing police resources. and gendarmerie, says Le Parisien on Tuesday.

“It would be necessary that at the first offense, we manage to financially and easily sanction the families”, affirmed the Head of State during an exchange with six police officers from the BAC (Anti-Crime Squad) in a brasserie in the north of Paris, reports the newspaper.

“A kind of minimum tariff from the first bullshit,” explained Mr. Macron, whose trip had not been announced upstream by the presidency.

Despite the relative calm that has marked the last few nights, he assured not to consider that “it’s behind us. We’ll see what the next July 13 and 14 will already give, and even the months to come”, he said. he asserted, asking law enforcement to “stay on high alert.”

After these exchanges with the police, the Head of State went with his Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin to the Bessières barracks, in the 17th arrondissement of the capital, which accommodates the staff of the BAC at night and departmental intervention companies.

He exchanged with members of the police force, the gendarmerie, the CRS, members of the BRI (Research and Intervention Brigade), firefighters, according to his entourage. “He wanted to be present at their side” to “thank them for their mobilization in recent days and assure them of his support”, we added from the same source.

In the process, after midnight, he went to the Paris police headquarters, for new exchanges, then specified the Elysée.

This is his first outing in the field since the death of Nahel, 17, killed a week ago in Nanterre by a policeman during a traffic check, and the urban violence that followed for several nights.

Emmanuel Macron had to postpone a state visit to Germany indefinitely, where he should have been on Monday.

07/04/2023 08:05:08 –         Paris (AFP) –          © 2023 AFP