Frankfurt (dpa/lhe) – In view of a current report on corona measures, the Hesse Trade Association warns of renewed lockdowns with business closures. “The data situation in the third year of the pandemic is not sufficient to fully assess all corona measures, which is why there will be no basis for serious encroachments on fundamental rights in the future,” said CEO Sven Rohde on Friday in Frankfurt.

In a report on the review of the previous Corona requirements, experts from the Expert Committee had judged wearing a mask to be effective, but put question marks behind other measures. The committee avoided clear statements on many points – due to a lack of sufficient data, no reliable assessments were possible.

Association leader Rohde called for “only proportionate and effective measures to be used if they are necessary”. Because serious interventions such as lockdowns or access restrictions should no longer be suspected, but must have a scientific basis. The Hesse Trade Association claims to represent the interests of 7,200 member companies with 200,000 employees.