A doctor from Essen is said to have injected an overdose into two dying corona patients. The Essen district court sentenced him. And not for the first time.

Essen (dpa / lnw) – On Wednesday, the Essen district court sentenced a doctor to three years and six months in prison for attempted manslaughter. In 2020, the doctor is said to have administered an overdose of sedative and painkilling drugs to two corona patients who were already dying. Since the death of the two men would have occurred in any case from the point of view of the judges, they did not recognize a completed homicide. The defendant had remained silent on the allegations during the trial.

The same doctor had already been sentenced to three years and six months in prison in November 2021 by the Essen district court for manslaughter. The trial at that time was about the case of a Dutch corona patient who the doctor is said to have given an overdose of potassium chloride to relieve him of his suffering.

Both judgments are not yet final. A court can only calculate an overall penalty from the individual penalties after it has become final.