Leipzig/Offenbach (dpa/sn) – June brought the Saxons a lot of sun and a heat record. On June 19, 39.2 degrees were measured in Dresden-Strehlen, together with Cottbus in Brandenburg, the highest value in Germany, as the German Weather Service (DWD) announced on Wednesday in its preliminary monthly balance. In addition, the Free State was the second sunniest federal state after Brandenburg with 285 hours. Only in Saxony-Anhalt were ten more hours of sunshine registered.

The extreme drought led to forest fires, and due to low water, the district of Nordsachsen prohibited the taking of water from lakes and rivers. Larger amounts of rain only came together on the last days of the month.

The DWD assessed the beginning of this year’s summer in Germany as “clearly” too warm, too dry and very sunny. In the south in particular, there were also violent thunderstorms, heavy rain and hail. “The eastern regions, on the other hand, experienced scorching hot days and an exceptional drought with serious forest fires.” According to meteorological calculations, it has been summer since June 1st (until August 31st). According to the calendar, summer began on June 21 (beginning of autumn September 23).