Fürth (dpa / lby) – In Bavaria last year more children were born alive than in 30 years. Nevertheless, the number of deaths exceeded that of births – also because of the corona pandemic. In 2021, 134,321 children were born alive in the Free State, 4.3 percent more than in the previous year, the State Office for Statistics in Fürth announced on Wednesday. The last time there was a similarly high number of births was in 1991, when 134,400 children were born.

“The extent to which the significant increase in the number of births in Bavaria is related to the corona pandemic or whether it is simply a continuation of the general trend towards increasing birth rates can only be examined by the statisticians through further evaluations,” said Bavaria’s Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU ) With. “What is certain, however, is that Corona had a significant impact on the number of deaths.”

According to the state office, 147,984 people died in Bavaria last year, 3.2 percent more than in 2020. Compared to 2019 – the last year before the pandemic – the number of deaths even increased by 10.2 percent. According to calculations by the experts, an increase in deaths due to aging was only expected by 4.3 percent.