Stralsund (dpa/mv) – According to the zoo, the first two white storks that hatched there were ringed at Stralsund Zoo on Wednesday. It is about the children of a semi-wild pair of storks, as the city announced. The father ended up at the zoo via the sanctuary and has stayed there ever since. His partner, on the other hand, leaves the zoo every autumn to go south. In addition, four other found animals were ringed. It is hoped that the animals will be fit enough by autumn to move to their winter quarters in the south.

The animals received rings from the Hiddensee ringing center. The station, which is now located in Güstrow, is one of three corresponding centers in Germany. She is responsible for the eastern German federal states. According to their own statements, around 1500 storks are ringed in their area of ​​responsibility every year. The rings act as a kind of identity card and make it possible to follow the further course of life of the animals and to see where they are exposed to particular dangers or where they settle.