Wismar (dpa / mv) – Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania wants to strengthen cooperation with the democracies around the Baltic Sea. The “MV Cooperation Council for the Democratic Baltic Sea Region”, which is to develop proposals for a corresponding Baltic Sea strategy, met for the first time on Friday in Wismar. “We want to intensify our connections and relationships, especially in the field of renewable energies, the maritime economy, tourism and many other areas,” said Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) on Friday after the meeting. The aim is also to strengthen democracy in the region. The 29-strong panel of experts includes scientists, cultural workers, as well as members of chambers and from the field of digitization.

According to European State Secretary Susanne Bowen, the final paper should be presented in the second quarter of 2023, so the Council has about a year. Science Minister Bettina Martin (SPD) is to take over the leadership together with Professor Anja Mihr from the Humboldt-Viadrina School of Governance in Berlin.

On Friday, Mihr made it clear how unique the Baltic Sea region is from her point of view, with five of the ten most stable democracies in the world alone. Estonia in particular proves that even countries that used to be under the influence of dictatorships can develop into exemplary democracies.

Schwesig also made it clear that the Council is not starting from scratch, but is building on the state’s existing cooperation in the Baltic Sea region. There is already economic and cultural cooperation as well as exchange at the level of the security authorities with the Nordic countries, the Baltic States and Poland. According to Schwesig, there should be a direct exchange with representatives of these countries and the Council if the Council so wishes.

The next meeting is scheduled to take place at the beginning of September, when key points of the Baltic Sea strategy will be discussed.