In dealing with Corona, everyday life has become relaxed in many places. The ministries of the state government handle rules such as wearing a mask with different degrees of strictness in some details.

Erfurt (dpa/th) – The recently relatively low corona numbers also have an impact on the mask requirement for employees of the state government. In the meantime, there is no longer a general obligation to wear masks in the ministries and the State Chancellery. However, some staff are still called upon to wear a surgical or FFP2 mask, at least under certain circumstances. “In situations where the minimum distance is not reached or where closer or longer contact with other people is unavoidable, it is recommended to wear a medical face mask,” said the Ministry of Finance, for example.

Stricter rules apply in the health and infrastructure ministries, among others. A spokeswoman for the Ministry of Infrastructure said that a mask must still be worn for meetings in full rooms, the shared use of service vehicles or the elevator.

At public appointments in closed rooms, Thuringia’s Minister of Health Heike Werner (left) was one of the very few people who regularly wore a mask, including when she was seated.

Regardless of the mask, general hygiene rules to protect against infection continue to apply in all ministries and the State Chancellery. This includes regularly airing the offices, avoiding telephone and video conferences and avoiding business trips as far as possible.

After the end of the corona-related nationwide home office obligation, different regulations for working from home will apply in the individual departments. The Ministry of Infrastructure said that employees there could continue to work from home on an average of two set days per week. The corresponding service agreement is to be reviewed in autumn.

In the Ministry of Finance, on the other hand, according to the information, only up to 40 working days per calendar year are possible in the home office. “In addition, individual agreements can be concluded with employees with a particular health risk,” it said.