Kelkheim (dpa/lhe) – Since the start of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, more than 12,000 refugee children and young people have arrived in Hessian schools. “Never before have our schools accepted so many lateral entrants in such a short time,” said Minister of Education Alexander Lorz (CDU) on Monday when visiting a school in Kelkheim. Never before have so many new intensive classes been set up within a few weeks.

The minister announced that German was currently being taught in more than 1,600 intensive classes at Hessian schools. Ukrainian children and young people already make up more than a third of the 29,300 students taught in these intensive classes.

According to Lorz, the entire support is controlled by a coordination office in the Ministry of Education. The 15 state education authorities would also have received a total of 15 additional new positions for the reception and counseling centers. In addition to teachers from Hesse, the schools also receive support from around 150 Ukrainian teachers who have already been hired, or from staff with professional pedagogical experience from Ukraine.