Rachida Dati, TF1 immediately stated that “I’m certainly not going to tell” you “we’re great”. The Republicans are conscious of risking their survival by saving the furniture. They can expect to retain between 33 and 80 seats at Palais Bourbon after the second round on Sunday, June 19. This is far less than the 365 UMP deputies who were elected in 2002 or the 100 or so right-leaning parliamentarians elected in 2017.

The first round of voting saw the elimination of several iconic faces from the previous legislature, which is a symbol of the debacle. Two former candidates for the presidency of the party are involved in this case. Julien Aubert, in Vaucluse received 16.63% of votes, behind the Macronist candidate Francois Lovisolo (24.07%), and the National Rally candidate Thomas de Maleville (21.54%). Guillaume Larrive, the outgoing deputy for the first constituency in Yonne, also fails to qualify. He arrives behind the Nupes Florence Loury (24.25%), and the National Rally Daniel Grenon (23.92%). Guilhem Carayon (president of young LR) was unable to qualify for round two in Tarn where Nupes (Julien Lassalle, 22.27%) or Renaissance (Jean Terlier), 22.22%. Partially, Gilles Platret, a defender of a hardline, appears to have been eliminated in Saone-et-Loire.

The qualification of Damien Abad, their former boss at the Assembly, is another setback for Republicans. The Minister of Solidarity, Emmanuel Macron has been elected the fifth constituency’s Minister of Solidarity. He will face Nupes Florence Pisani on June 19, where he will be challenged. He only received 9.93% of votes despite Christian Jacob, party president, making the trip to support Julien Martinez. The candidate was invested at the very last moment by the party.

Christian Jacob, a French 2 member, put these results in perspective Sunday evening to make it more reassuring. He said, “We are able play a decisive part in this legislature between extremes and path of immobility Emmanuel Macron.” He referred to Monday’s Strategic Council at 2 p.m. as a possibility voting instruction. However, he kept his wishes to the extremes in mind and said that there would be no voice for them. On June 19, the traditional right will be engaged in a duel against the National Rally of Marine Le Pen. This will take place in different constituencies, starting with Christian Jacob. The National Rally comes first in this fourth constituency, Seine-et-Marne (Aymeric Durox at 30.73%), ahead of LR Isabelle Perigault (21.72%), to whom Christian Jacob handed the torch.

Other prominent parliamentarians on the right will be facing RN candidates such as Olivier Marleix, who received 28.37% votes in Eure-et-Loir’s second constituency, against Aleksandar Nikolic, RN (24.5%) or Pierre-Henri Dumont (27.59%), who supports the National Rally in Pas-de-Calais (7th district, Pas-de-Calais, 29.21%).

It is still to be determined which current will send more representatives to the Assembly, social right or hardright. According to initial estimates, it is in the Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, led by Laurent Wauquiez, that the Republicans party appears to have the most candidates in their lead in round one. Let us take for instance the outgoing deputies Emilie Bonnenivard, Savoie, or Virginie duby-Muller, Haute-Savoie. There are also new faces like Antoine Vermorel-Marques who, with 25.77%, was a former parliamentary colleague of Damien Abad. Nathalie Sarles (23.41%), a candidate for Together for the presidential majority, is facing him. Many outgoing Grand Est parliamentarians, such as Fabien di Filippo (45.98%) and Patrick Hetzel (35.01%), are on favorable ballot for round 2.

Many party leaders also received very high scores. Annie Genevard was elected interim president of LR after Christian Jacob’s departure. She received 42.07%. Next Sunday, she will be facing Philippe Alpy, Macronist candidate. Aurelien Pradie, a Lot MP, also has a promising result. The MP who is retiring received 45.46% of votes and will be competing with Elsa Bougeard, Nupes candidate (22.26%).

What number will there be at the end of Sunday’s session? If the troops of President of the Republic do not get an absolute majority, the new assembly could give LR a new role and make it a pivotal unit.