After being charged with four counts of sexual assault in America, Kevin Spacey, an American actor, announced Tuesday that he will appear in court in the United Kingdom in defense of himself and “prove his innocence”.

“I appreciate the Crown Prosecution Service’s statement, which has carefully reminded media and the public that my rights to a fair trial and that I am innocent unless proven guilty,” stated the star of “House of Cards”, which was then dropped by Netflix following the first accusations.

On Thursday, the British public prosecutor announced that it had authorized criminal proceedings against Kevin Spacey (62), for four counts sexual assault against three males. This was in a span of time from March 2005 to April 2013. Spacey was then artistic director. The Old Vic theatre in London.

The actor said that while he was disappointed by the decision, he would report to the UK and defend himself against these charges. He also stated, “I will voluntarily report back to the UK as soon it is possible and prove my innocence.” In a statement to ABC’s Good Morning America, the actor stated that he was disappointed by the decision. Variety reports that a voluntary appearance would enable him to avoid an extradition process.

In the wake of the Weinstein scandal, the charges were brought against Weinstein. An internal investigation was ordered by the Old Vic theatre, which was conducted by a law firm. Total, 20 personal testimony of Kevin Spacey’s alleged inappropriate behavior were collected.

However, the lawsuits against the actor in the United States were also filed against him. They were eventually dropped.

The accusations had grave consequences for the reputation and career of the American actor, who won two Oscars for his work (best actor for American beauty in 2000; best actor for supporting role in “Usual Suspects” in 1996).