A strong explosion this afternoon in a building in the fifth district of Paris, right in the center, has caused 37 injuries, four of them seriously. In addition, it has been reported that there are two missing and firefighters are working under the rubble. The first indications point to a gas explosion, although the exact causes of the incident are still unknown and an investigation has been opened.

The explosion, which has caused the collapse of the facade of the building, has been confirmed on Twitter shortly after it occurred by the Minister of the Interior, Gérard Darmanin, who has traveled to the area at the last minute and is the one who has confirmed the final balance affected: 37, four of them seriously.

The incident occurred at 4:45 p.m. at number 77 Saint-Jacques Street, in the building that houses the American Paris Academy, an American fashion school. At first, the Paris police prefect, Laurent Nuñez, has confirmed 16 victims, four serious, although he clarified that it was “still a provisional balance” and then the number of those affected has been rising rapidly. The Prosecutor’s Office has also confirmed that there are two missing people.

The impact of the detonation has been strong, according to the account of most of the neighbors. Outside the security cordon created on Rue Saint-Jacques, there were residents trying to gain access to their homes, others were concerned about whether the incident had affected residents.

270 firefighters and 70 vehicles have moved to the area, which have managed to control the fire so that it does not spread to the adjoining buildings, which have been evacuated. There are teams searching through the rubble of the building.

The mayoress of the capital, Anne Hidalgo, has moved to the area, which has been totally cordoned off during the afternoon. The mayor’s office has activated a crisis cell to be able to accommodate those affected and the residents of nearby buildings who cannot sleep in their homes.

The Prosecutor of the Republic of Paris has explained that, according to the images of the surveillance cameras, the explosion originated in the property, but that the specific causes are still unknown. Everything points to a gas leak and, in fact, there was a strong smell in the street. An unintentional injury investigation has been opened to determine what happened. French President Emmanuel Macron had a few words for the victims of this event during the brief speech he gave at the Elysée during the Music Festival held today in Paris. “Although you still have to be prudent, I want to have a word for the victims, and the families who are experiencing these moments of anguish,” he said.

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