According to prepared speech excerpts shared by NBC News, Mike Pence , former Vice President, will tell GOP donors Friday that they “cannot win fighting yesterday’s fights.” Strongly condemning apologists of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

These remarks, which were prepared for Pence’s appearance in New Orleans at an event of the Republican National Committee, will further distance him from former President Donald Trump.

Trump continues to deny that Pence and he stole the 2020 election. In the weeks leading up to Russia’s invasion in Ukraine, the former president described Putin’s strategy and called it “genius” as well as “smart.”

“Those who claim that NATO expansion was somehow responsible for the Russian invasion in Ukraine should ask themselves: Where would our Eastern European friends be today if NATO wasn’t there?” Pence is expected Friday evening to speak. “Where would the Russian tanks be today, if NATO hadn’t expanded the borders to freedom?” This party is not for Putin-supporting apologists. Only champions of freedom are allowed to enter the party.

These excerpts show many stark contrasts to Trump’s public comments.

Pence will likely say that “Elections matter about the future.” “My fellow Republicans. We can only win if all of us are united by an optimistic vision for the future that is based on our highest values. We can’t win by fighting the past or by disputing the past. Republicans will only win if they offer real and lasting solutions to the problems Democrats created for the American people.

Pence could be in a Republican presidential primaries with Trump in 2024. He has denied that Trump, as his vice president, had the power overturning the election results.

“I heard this week President Trump said that I had the right overturn the election,” Pence stated last month in Orlando, Florida. “President Trump is wrong.”

Pence is also expected to criticize President Joe Biden, and draw comparisons between Biden’s leadership style and Trump’s.

According to excerpts, Pence will state that “It’s no coincidence Russia waited till 2022 to invade Ukraine.” “Weakness awakens evil — and the scale of the evil that is sweeping across Ukraine speaks volumes for this president.”