Hours after Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy had accused Russia war crimes and “state terror” on Tuesday, he was given a standing ovation by the European Parliament. He vowed to continue fighting for his country’s freedom.

The speech was given via video link and caused a translator to choke up.

An intensifying Russian attack pounded the heart and soul of Ukraine’s second largest city earlier in the day, provoking fears that civilians would be the victims.

Russia attacked major cities in Ukraine with increasingly heavy shelling, as the conflict escalated on its sixth-day. A large Russian contingent was also threatening Kyiv, the capital. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Ukraine, five people were killed when Russian forces attacked a TV tower in the capital.

Zelenskyy, in a video message, vowed to defend Kyiv, and sought to rally his country and international community against “outright, undisguised terrorist” from Moscow.

“No one can forgive. He said, “No one will forget.”

Zelenskyy (a Jewish man) tweeted Tuesday that Zelenskyy invoked the barbarisms of the Holocaust. He highlighted the fact that the TV tower is situated beside Babi Yar in Kyiv, where Nazi Germany committed atrocities during World War II.

“To the World: What’s the point in saying “Never again” for 80 years if the world remains silent when a bomb is dropped on the same place as Babyn Yar?” Zelenskyy stated that at least five people were killed. “History repeating…”

The Kremlin has become a pariah due to international condemnation and crippling Sanctions. Moscow is now facing a spiraling economy, and determined resistance from Ukrainian troops.

U.S. officials stated that they fear that Russian President Vladimir Putin may resort to more brutal violence in the midst of one of Europe’s most intense military conflicts since World War II.

Moscow, facing fierce resistance from the ground, appeared to intensify its air assault, which Ukraine and international monitors claimed was increasingly targeting civilians.

Ukraine claimed Kharkiv was its second-largest, and was under increasing shelling by Russian forces. accusing them of war crimes for striking residential areas as well as government buildings in the city with 1.5 million inhabitants.

According to video shared via social media and officials in Ukraine, a massive explosion occurred at the Regional State Administration Building early Tuesday. The Ukrainian State Emergency Service claimed that the explosion was caused by a Russian attack on the city. It later stated that at least seven people had been killed and 24 were injured.

Telegram’s Telegram channel posted video showing the area in front of the building covered with debris and the windows of nearby buildings being blown out. Rescuers attempted to reach those trapped under the rubble of the building.

NBC News confirmed that the videos were authentic, but did not confirm the death toll. Ukrainian officials accuse Russia of attacking residential areas, but Russia consistently denies targeting civilians.

Yasmina Vladimirovich (31-year-old teacher who lives near the centre of the city) said, “All the while we hear the shooting and bombing and we don’t know how to rest and what will…how we will live tomorrow.” She shared a video with NBC News that she claimed she spent the night in her basement, along her 5-month-old infant.

After Ukrainian officials claimed that Russian forces had attacked civilian areas in the city on Monday, the strikes occurred as the first talks between both countries. Zelenskyy stated that he believes Russia increased its shelling in order to force his hand at the talks. The negotiations ended without any breakthrough.

According to Western officials, Putin’s goal is to overthrow Zelenskyy’s government in order to create a Kremlin-friendly government to replace it. This would be part of an effort to restore Russia’s influence on its neighbours.

Zelenskyy applied for membership to the European Union to strengthen his country’s ties with the West. The West has supported Kyiv with weapons, equipment, and imposed severe sanctions on Moscow.

He pleaded with the E.U. in a speech Tuesday. The lawmakers were asked to “prove that you are with” them. After Zelenskyy’s remarks on the video conference, lawmakers stood to ovation.

“The heart of our nation”

Zelenskyy stated that the defense of the capital was a priority as a sign of what lies ahead.

In a Telegram video message, he stated that “If we defend Kyiv we defend the country.” “Kyiv, the heart of our nation, must beat. It will fight for its existence to win.”

Maxar Technologies captured satellite images that showed what it claimed was a convoy consisting of Russian tanks and armored cars, approximately 17 miles from the center and about 40 miles long.

The Russian advance against Ukraine’s capital has not made much progress over the last 24 hours because of logistical problems, Britain’s Defense Ministry stated Tuesday. A senior U.S. defense official stated Tuesday that the convoy was moving slower than expected due to fuel and food shortages.

According to NBC News, “It’s not moving at a great speed,” said the official. “They are still unable to move quickly from the north to reach Kyiv.

According to the Defense Ministry Update posted on Twitter, Moscow also increased its use artillery north and around Kharkivs and Chernihiv.

According to Mariupol’s mayor, Tuesday saw a steady barrage of shelling. He added that women and children were also killed and that infrastructure was damaged, including schools.

According to the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, the shelling in Kherson’s strategic city hit residence buildings from the west. According to Ukrainian authorities, Russian forces have blocked Kherson from being able to access the Black Sea port.

These claims have not been verified by NBC News.

According to the American official, the U.S. cannot declare that Russia has taken control of Kherson. This was to explain why the city is still contested. According to the U.S. official, Russian forces are sufficiently close to Mariupol for them to attack with long-range fires.

According to U.N. refugee agency figures, around 660,000 people fled Ukraine because of the fighting. According to the U.N. refugee agency, it has reported that 136 civilians have been killed so far. However, the true toll is likely to be much higher.

Dmitry Peskov, a Kremlin spokesperson, denied accusations of Russian forces having committed war crimes.

Peskov spoke with reporters and also said that Western sanctions, which sent the ruble plummeting and caused Moscow’s central banking to close its stock exchange, will not get Russia to change its stance on Ukraine.

Dmitry Medvedev (former Russian President) was a former head of Russia’s Security Council. He warned against any further West-imposed sanctions.

“Don’t forget, in human history economic wars quite often turned to real ones,” he tweetedin reply to comments made by a French official.