With the empty seat of Pablo married in the first row, he has been CUCA Gamarra who has defended the PP position in the Congress against the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
The parliamentary spokeswoman has addressed Pedro Sánchez to offer the total support of the popular so that Spain acts with “determination” versus the “titubeos” and “equidistance” of unidas we can with Putin who, in his opinion, has been ballasting the
Government response

“Do not be afraid to behave with dignity in this war and if your coalition allies fail you do not worry about this issue, we will go together this path, but you do not even fail the people of Ukraine or the people of Spain,” said Gamarra.
, which has expressly asked Sánchez “to do the same as European social democracy.”

“The support offered by my group and my party that opposition to NATO and the hesitals in the defense of Ukraine who are expressing some members of their government”, has stressed the spokesman for the PP.

Gamarre has celebrated the “rectification” of the Government President by now announcing the bilateral shipment by Spain of Arms for Ukraine, as most European countries were doing, but it has recriminated it.
“We have not been agile or have been up to the circumstances,” he has censored, what he has put “in question” that Spain is a “reliable” country.

The spokesman for the PP has relied on that the speech of this Wednesday of the president of the Government, in effect, an “amendment to the whole” to the position that has been maintaining Spain to be “at the height of the challenge”, because until now it was
Being “the lowest commitment of the European Union” and, in his opinion, that has contributed to leave “helpless” to Ukraine.
“Instead of sending offensive material she has sent gloves and hydroalchoholic gel,” she said.

Gamarra has warned that Putin “is not going to stop” and has claimed that “naivety” is abandoned because “firmness and forcefulness are inescapable.”
For this reason, he has set the hand of the PP for decisions that may have to take in the framework of NATO and the EU.
“Do not be afraid for the position of the partners of him because he will have the PP.”

Gamarra has reaffirmed the commitment of PP with NATO and the sanctions that are being imposed.
Therefore, she has been very critical with the position of unidas, we can and her role as part of the government.
Thus, she has regretted the “delivering plans to Putin” of Minister Ione Belarra or the “reviews” of Alberto Garzón to NATO.
“He also knows how me that this equidistance is nothing more than a tactical pacifism, because in reality what they intend and hide is their belligerence in favor of Putin,” she said.

The PP has defended that Spain rise its military budget and, as the Government committed in 2014, an investment of 2% of GDP is reached.
In addition, it has pointed out that it is necessary to “redouble” the commitment to NATO.
“It is necessary to assume with maturity and responsibility that there is nothing more provocative for the predators of peace and the independence of the nations than the weakness of the sterile pacifism,” Gamarra remained.

He has also asked Sánchez to keep the communication channels open with the main opposition party and has recriminated that until now they have not existed.

For his part, Vox’s leader, Santiago Abascal, has launched harshly against Sánchez and his government partners.
“You can not be with Putin and NATO,” he assured from the tribune of Congress.

Abascal has denounced the support of the Russian President by the parties that support Sánchez.
And that’s why he has assured that he does not have “no credibility or respect”.
Thus, he has claimed the President of the Government “Rimy”.
“He can not be at the front of the government at such a delicate moment.”

The Vox leader has resulted in the attack of Putin to Ukraine and has shown the support of the Ukrainian people.
He has defended that they are welcomed as war refugees to the citizens who flee their country.

“It’s time to change the course. The budget of the Ministry of Defense must be increased and if it is above 2% better. And the NATO must be required by incorporation within the framework of its policy of defense of our territories of Ceuta
and from Melilla “.

Abascal has denounced that PSOE and we can part of the Puebla group that has criticized the economic measures approved against the Government of Putin.
“Now they are given, they say that our defense and our energy can not be in the hands of satraps like Putin,” he said.
“You have to support the Ukrainian people with all the economic and military measures that are necessary.”

“But Mr. Sánchez can not do it, because his allies nor leave him and in Europe or respect him or believe him,” he’s apostil.
“The culprit is Putin and the accomplices of him.”

Abascal has also launched criticisms against the European Commission to which it has accused of leading to an EU-EU and energy weakness point with its resources dependent on Russia’s resources.

In the turn of citizens, Edmundo Bal has made a staggered defense of Ukrainian aid “with everything we have,” including weapons, and has pointed out to United we can as a “problem” to be able to lend it.
In fact, he has blamed the purple that the government “dragging his feet” when he has to make “correct” decisions.

In this sense, BAL has been happy that Sánchez “rectifies” regarding the shipment of the Ukrainian people, although united we can emphasize.
“Our brothers are dying and in front of that they are not worth neither sectarian and dogmas, they are worth no anti-NATO manifestations and are not worth saying like the ones I have heard, that the people of Ukraine have the right to defend themselves but without weapons,” he said.
In his opinion, what they are actually asking for the purple is the “surrender of the Ukrainian people against tyranny”.

CS spokesman has warned Sánchez that “there can not be the government of Spain”.
“You can not admit any warmth in the defense of liberal democracy and those who are warm will be Putin’s crutches,” he underlined.
As “the defense of freedom is not subcontracted,” he has asked him to place Spain in the leadership of humanitarian and military aid to Ukraine, as well as to raise sanctions on Russia.
“If the lords of we can get angry, leave them and go by the government,” he said.

For all these reasons, Bal has offered the nine votes of the Liberal Party and has urged him to finish the legislature with a great agreement to three bands between the PSOE, PP and citizens with a majority of at least 221 seats, to join the challenges that is