King Felipe VI has asked for Wednesday “a strong support and commitment” with culture during the delivery of gold medals to merit in the fine arts.
The monarch has opted that the “favorable conditions” are given so that, in the different areas, culture can be “developed and prospered”.

The monarch and his wife, Doña Letizia, have presided over the delivery of this recognition accompanied by the Minister of Culture, Miquel Iceta.
The act has been held at the Baluarte Auditorium of Pamplona, as far as the Kings and the 32 Decorados of 2020 have been displaced. “We are very happy to come to Pamplona,” said Don Felipe, this land and this city are synonyms for history and

“Cultural employment already supposes 3.5% of total employment in our country, with almost 4% of companies dedicated to the cultural sector,” the king has highlighted during the delivery of the merit medals in the fine arts.
“The economic weight of your contribution grows and accompanies the essential that is in the aesthetic, intellectual and artistic level,” said Don Felipe in a particularly emotional ceremony, since he has recovered his itinerant character after two years of pandemic.

“Being able to be here shows that they are already beginning to take the first steps towards the path of normality,” said Don Felipe.
Next, he has recognized, as he did last year, “the fundamental role” that culture has had during the health crisis: “Although culture has always been with us, it was in the most difficult moments when it happened to be a real
Need … and a relief “.

Felipe VI has opted that culture “makes us feel part of a common history” and, therefore, has requested the aforementioned “decided commitment” of institutions “so that your imagination, your passion and your vocation find the field and favorable conditions in
those who develop and prosper “.

This recognition, which is delivered since 1996, distinguishes people and entities that have highlighted in the field of artistic and cultural creation or have rendered notorious services in the promotion, development or dissemination of art and culture or in the conservation of artistic heritage
In this new edition, 32 recognized with decoration have been.

Pau Donés, Álvaro de Luna and Andrés Sardá have received the decoration in a posthumous title: “From music, cinema and fashion, they gave us a lot, and much is what we miss you,” said Don Felipe.
In this edition, in addition, Actor Antonio Resines has been awarded.
Returning away from the complications of a Covid who led him to stay two months at the UCI, the Cantabrian has received the medal of the Queen, which has come down from the stage to deliver it.
Don Felipe has also descended from the stand to give him a warm ovation.

They have also received the recognition Carlos Hipolito, Emilio Sagi, Montxo Armendáriz, Adriana Ozores, Emma Suárez, Pilar Lladó, Laura García Lorca, Antonio Resines, Álex de la Church, Film Collection and Right of Editorial Tirant Lo Banch, Sara Baras,
Antonio Canales, Miguel Ángel Fernández “Tinga Tinga”, Simon Marchán Fiz, Valeriano Bozal Fernández, María Dolores Fuster Sabater, Carmen Werner, Teresa Nieto, Gustavo Dudamel, Hans Zimmer, María Bayo, Rosario Flores, Peace Muro Marga Sánchez, Real Maestranza de
Cavalry of Seville, editorial Marcial Pons Manolo García, Emilio Lledó, Quique Dacosta.