The Fishing Gallego ‘Villa de Pitanxo’, which on February 15 won in Canada waters, had a history of sanctions of the Ministry of Fisheries for serious infractions of the Maritime Fisheries Law that, at least in two cases, were confirmed by the
National audience.

The vessel, from the company Ahramer Fisheries Nores, based in the town Pontevedresa de MarĂ­n, was shipwrecked to 250 miles from the Newfoundland coast with 24 crew of those who only survived.
Two corpses were recovered and repatriated to Spain and Peru, while another 12 remain disappeared.

The last known sentence, to which the world has had, dates on July 17, 2020, although the violations are previous, from the year 2016. The Contentious Room of the National Hearing Partially dismissed a recourse of the shipowner
Faced with the General Administration of the State and confirms sanctions on the ship’s pattern and the ship’s pattern by various irregularities in the fishing of black chart.

The Resolution partially confirms a prior judgment of the Central Court of Administrative-Administrative Number 8 of Madrid and Resolutions of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Environment of 2017 that imposed the pattern of the ‘Villa Pitanxo’ six sanctions on fishing as
Responsible for many serious infractions of the State Maritime Fishing Law.

This judgment confirms a sanction of 60,000 euros for an infringement of elimination, alteration, concealment or evidence that could be obtained during the tasks or procedures of control and inspection, another fine of 40,000 euros due to lack of sending positions and one
Third of 40,000 euros for not registering in the on-board journal catches of hidden chart.

In addition, because of this last sanction, the confiscation of the 27,778 kilos of black charter delivered to a beneficent entity is condemned.
According to the sentence, the inspectors proved the existence of a hidden winery where the catches of the black trail were found and without labeling in a total of 26,788 kilos.

In addition to sanctioning the employer, the shipowner was also admonished and he was imposed loss of points with which the owners of ships count in the European Fisheries Control Regulations.

At the national hearing there is a prior judgment, from October 11, 2017, advanced by Galicia digital economy and to which this newspaper has had access.
It refers to sanctions already imposed on years before two serious infractions detected in 2013 by black chart fishing without declaring.

The Contentious Room of the National Hearing dismisses an appeal brought by the Amadora and confirms a prior judgment of the Central Court of Administrative-Administrative number 11 and resolutions of the Technical Secretary and the General Director of Fisheries and Aquaculture Resources.

Between February 10 and March 8, 2013, an inspection was held in the ‘Villa de Pitanxo’ and “intentional alteration” is confirmed from the classification of two rows of two rows of black charts to make them pass by striped catches
and a “infringement of obstruction to the inspector work”, due to the concealment of charts and by extraction for sale without authorization before it concluded.

The inspection also detected that during the discharge process there were “irregularities in the classification and weighing process of the species”, so that the inspector who is on scale observes two rows of black chart boxes interspersed between the rows of boxes of
Raya and the sentence concludes that the “intentionality in hiding the boxes containing fishing from the species that exceeded the established limits” is clear.

The judicial lawyer of the Court of Instance number 2 of Vigo has signed this Tuesday, March 1, the death statement of the 12 sailors that continue missing.
It is a civil procedure initiated at the request of the Pontevedra Prosecutor’s Office in a Vigo Court for being the port of departure on January 26.

Article 194 of the Civil Code indicates that the Declaration of Death of those sailors of which no news was taken after it is accredited that they were aboard a ship whose shipwreck or disappearance by immersion at sea has been proven or on board
of an aircraft whose sinister has been verified, or, in case of human remains in such assumptions, and they could not be identified, after eight days have passed