The war that Ukraine was so much afraid and in which part of the world did not want to believe it began as the victims slept.
At five in the morning, slowly, as a giant who wakes up, the Ukrainian sky began to rumble.

Before the first lights of the day rained missiles on Ukrainian goals.
The troops crossed the borders with Russia and Belarus from the north and east, and disembarked on the coasts of the Black Sea in the southwest and the Sea of Azov in the southeast.
Fifteen hours later the Ministry of Defense of Russia, the same as announced a few days ago the withdrawal of its troops by the end of the maneuvers, affirmed that its army had destroyed 83 terrestrial objectives, leaving the Ukrainian defenses disrupted.

The western “hysteria” who had denounced Moscow turned out to be a fairly accurate prognosis on the plans of an aggressive Russia and with total will of expansion to draw a new vital protection space.

Russian advances along the coast of the Azov Sea and near Kharkov in the Northeast an attempt to surround Ukrainian forces in the East of the country.
Russia’s goal is not clear, but the capital seems a significant objective.

During the Ukrainian day he distributed between giving the battle, fleeing or simply waiting for Vladimir Putin’s definitive blow, the president who only a few months ago had purroning that “Russians and Ukrainians are the same people.”
At the night of Wednesday night, Russian president, Vladimir Putin, had already taken the passage to charge the pending grievances with the US punishing the weakest border of the West.

The Russian leader ordered his troops to carry out a special military operation in the Donbore region.
But to protect the operation of it hammered the Ukrainian defenses on all four sides of the country.
The largest attack of one State against another in Europe since World War II.

In an aggressive televised speech, Putin said the occupation is to “unlock” Ukraine and “protect people from abuses and genocide who are subject from the Ukrainian government for eight years.” The Republic aims to ‘unanazify’ is chaired by a Jew who earned open elections with a support of more than 70% and that it is also a russoparrant of the country, just like that ‘Russian minority’ to which Putin intends to protect. Volodomir Zelenski is a former comedian who interpreted on Thursday the most dramatic role of his life. The Ukrainian president made an agonizing call on television to the people of Russia, in which he said he wanted to talk directly to them after Putin rejected the desperate phone call from him. “Russia attacked our state in the morning, as Nazi Germany did in the years of World War II,” said Ukraine president shortly after the first explosions. Ukraine, Zelenski said, is listening to the sound of a new steel curtain falling as Russian troops advance by the country. And he noticed that other European countries could be the following.

From Moscow, Putin returned to his corromper pose with the complaint of fascism the territories that are available to chew.
He appealed to the military of Ukraine: “They swore before the Ukrainian people, do not follow the orders of the Board, I urge them to depon up arms and go home.”
In Russian the term “Board” always refers unequivocally to a fascist authority.

From five o’clock in the morning, detonations began to be heard near the main Borispol airport of Kiev.
The Russian army attacked the Ukrainian Republic on the four sides, while the population was trying to flee on the roads.
The airspace was closed, the whole country is a trap for which it stays and the one attempts to go.
Kiev outputs to the Polish border caused infernal jams.
The cars accumulated along tens of kilometers on the road to the western city of Lviv.

The Russian army, from the first moments, tried to neutralize military infrastructures and airports.
Russian troops also act in Ukrainian territory from Belarus and Crimea.
In a few hours several border spots crossed in the Kiev region, more than 50 kilometers from Belarus.
The offensive “will last as long as necessary”, depending on its “results,” the Kremlin spokesman, Dimitri Peskov warned.

In the first part of war, Kiev announced that more than 40 soldiers and a dozen Ukrainian civilians died.
In addition, 18 people died in a bombing against a military base near the harbor of Odessa and a military aircraft crashed near the capital, with 14 people on board.
“Russia has embarked on the path of evil, but Ukraine will defend himself and will not give up his freedom,” said Zelenski.

Ukraine in the afternoon reported that there were combats near the nuclear waste deposit of the ancient Chernobyl plant.
There the Russians arrived after having entered the border with Belarus.
“Russian forces are trying to take Chernobyl, our soldiers are sacrificing their lives as it was done in 1986,” said Ukrainian president.
Russian military groups focused on the “Zone of Exclusion” of Chernobyl.

In an amazing combat, two armies passed the afternoon by disputing a mortally toxic sarcophagus.
Russian troops seized the power plant while Ukrainian forces fought against them on three fronts.
“It is impossible to say that the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is safe after a totally useless attack on the part of the Russians,” lamented the Ukrainian side.

This betrayable booty could have a tactical sense.
“Russia wants to control the Chernobyl nuclear reactor to indicate NATO that does not interfere militarily,” said a source of Russian security to Reuters.
“This is a declaration of war against all of Europe,” Zelenski concluded.

The east of the country was the first objective of the invasion.
In Chuguev, 30 kilometers from Kharkov, the Russian bombings resounded all night.
Black smoke was visible from afar.
Several explosions shook Mariupol, on the banks of the Black Sea, the main port city to the east of the country.
In the afternoon a residential area of this city in the southeast of Ukraine was the subject of bombing.
Local authorities reported that 26 people were being treated for wounds in the hospital after an eastern Mariupol district was bombed.
Mariupol is a coveted goal, with its important port and just 10 kilometers from the separatists backed by Moscow.

In the Ukrainian capital, the explosions were followed early in the morning.
Also in Kharkov, 40 kilometers from the border with Russia and which is the second most important city in the country.
The windows of the apartment blocks trembled by the constant explosions.

“We ask everyone to urgently go to the civil protection shelters,” said the message of the City Council of the capital.
Aerial Alert Alert Sirens sounded not only in Kiev, also in Odessa.
In the towns of Mangush and Berdiansk, people ran into cash and gasoline money.
Mariupol civilians did suitcases.

The Ukrainian government ensured that Russian helicopters attacked Gostomel, a military airport near Kiev.
Ukraine knocked down three of them.
But in Kiev grows the fear that the taking of this aerodrome allows Russians to carry additional material, including light armored vehicles, to intensify assault or prepare new ones.
At the same time border officials denounced that Russians were trying to penetrate the Kiev region and the Zhitomir region on the border with Belarus, and they were using Grad rockets.

Putin, who denied for months that he was planning an invasion, has described Ukraine several times as an artificial construction ranned to Russia for his enemies.
Today, the mere existence of Ukraine behind Moscow is an affront for Kremlin, who is willing to impose lethal costs that go beyond what is known until now.

During the day Zelenski imposed martial law and decreed the general mobilization of all people of age to serve in the army.
The president emphasized that Ukrainian forces were engaged in “hard fighting” throughout the country, both the DONBÁS and “North and the South”.
“The enemy has suffered serious losses and will suffer even more. They have come to our land,” he said.
The official slogan was “inflicting the largest number of casualties in the Russian army.”

Overcome in number and power by its Russian rivals, the Ukrainian armed forces barely reach the number of soldiers that Russia has been deploying in its borders during the last weeks.
Kiev has about 196,000 troops and 900,000 reservists.
On the Russian side, the data is overwhelming: 900,000 soldiers, two million reservists and more than half a million in other forces, according to the International Institute of Strategic Studies.
The power difference is equally abysmal.
Facing the nearly 16,000 armored Armored, Ukraine has 3,300.

Ukrainian authorities have broken diplomatic relations with Russia, and fragile from the Crimean annexation.
And have called arms to volunteers from territorial defense units.
“Anyone who is ready and be able to sustain a weapon can join the territorial defense units in your region,” announced this military training on its Facebook page, giving a list of the directions of all recruitment centers in the country.
Soon the Ukrainian who wants to fight will not have to go far from his house.