Brandon Wolf, Equality Florida’s press secretary, stated that Scott’s manifesto was an “affirmation” of the things they’ve been warning people about.

Wolf stated to NBC News that “What’s happening in Florida isn’t isolated.” “It’s a test-market for a national strategy of the extreme right to legislate the country back to 1960 and ensnare us in culture wars, decimate our progress, and stifle our progress that we’ve made.”

Scott, a former senator and chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee is not the only Republican who has envisioned how the GOP would pursue antiLGBTQ legislation if it wins power in Washington.

Donald Trump, the former president, stated last month that he would ban transgender females from participating in women’s sports nationwide if elected to a second term.

Trump declared, “We will ban men participating in women’s sports,” during a rally held in Conroe Texas. “So ridiculous.”

Scott’s manifesto outlined how the GOP should handle LGBTQ rights. It also called on Republicans to “eliminate racism in America,” complete building of a southern border wall, name it after Trump, as well as fight “the new religion”