The supports were falling yesterday to Pablo married as the leaves of a tree in autumn.
Irremediable and melancholy, the PP president has checked that every time he had less, and less, and less possibilities to survive.
But even so, during a good part of this Giornata Partylare of Married Tuesday, he thought, “he transmitted him,” that he could still save his position at the forefront of the game, even though he was leaving him in a continuous dripping and.

“Sunken” personally but still tightening a light at the end of the tunnel, early in the morning Pablo Marriedo began to call the barons of his party. Those who spoke with him describe him as a leader with a breath of hope. That is, “out of reality”. And they regret-all the personal nightmare who is experiencing his friend. The leaders were called each other stunned as a boxer in the ninth assault. One of them did not endure more and broke to cry by telling him another one who had just speaking “with Paul.” And that he could not understand it. “He called me married and told me what I thought I was going to happen at the meeting. But what? They are not centered. They have lost their heads, they have lost their heads! “It relates a baron of those who govern, with the voice really alliquated. He referred to the meeting that is going to be produced today, at 8:00 pm, between the leader of the PP and the regional presidents. All, less La Navarra Ana Beltrán -A Sacor, number three of Genoa-, have confirmed that they will ask for their head.

– President, you have to leave, there is no way out.

– Well, to see if I can hold up to Congress.

– If you get to tomorrow, it’s going to be ack, Pablo!

After this other call, it began an uninterrupted crucise for married, from 10:00 p.m. until 22.30, when Teodoro García Aegea, with which he had fought bitterly at the headquarters of Genoa, appeared before the cameras of the sixth to give his
The never ending day was closed with the swords up and with married sunken by an effect dominated in tsunami mode.

Drip of barons. At around 11:00, this newspaper published that there were already at least 14 autonomous presidents against married. All of them were going to ask for their heads at the meeting. In addition to Feijóo, Juanma Moreno (Andalusia), Isabel Díaz Ayuso (Madrid), Alfonso Fernández Mañueco (Castilla y León), Teresa Mallada (Asturias), Alejandro Fernández (Catalonia), Paco Núñez (Castilla-La Mancha), José Antonio Monago (Extremadura), María José Sáenz de Buruaga (Cantabria), Jorge Azcón (Aragon), Carlos Mazón (Valencian Community), Marga ProHens (Baleares), Carlos Iturgaiz (Basque Country), José Ignacio Ashtrahos (La Rioja). But as the minutes were advancing, two more were added, so that at 12:37 they were added Manuel Domínguez (Canarias) and at 12.50 to Fernando López Miraras, president of Murcia and personal friend of Aegea, confirmed this diary who married He could not continue in front and he bet on an extraordinary congress. Married luck was lying, but not only by the barons.

The deputies.
Prior to 12.00, a deputy close to married was called by telephone to communicate that the address of the Popular Parliamentary Group was going to ask for the resignation of Aegea and an extraordinary Congress.
The Secretary General resisted throughout the day.
Signed that letter the deputies of the PP Guillermo Mariscal, José Ignacio Echániz, Pablo Hispán (former director of Cabinet of Married, precisely), Sandra Moneo, Carlos Rojas, Mario Garcés and Adolfo Suárez Ilana (who was number two of married on the list of
Madrid of 2019).
“We request the immediate dismissal of the Secretary General of the PP,” the Charter prayed.
In fact, they managed to remove it from the control session to today’s government.
Diego Movelán will be replaced.

Almeida and the Directive.
After 12:00, José Luis Martínez-Almeida resigned as a national spokesman for the PP.
He married was already a political corpse, but he clung to the possibilities of him.
Therefore, at 5:00 pm, PP’s spokespersons in Congress and Senate, Cuca Gamarra and Javier Maroto, insisted on the extraordinary conclave to “overcome this situation”.
Or they would resign.
And Andrea Levy loved to follow the path of Bethlehem Hoyo – the first resignation of the day – and cease in the dome.

At 18.15, Married Claudicó and announced an extraordinary Congress.