Pablo Married faces his last moments at the head of the PP.
Let them be hours or days depends on him and the barons.
The meeting with the territorial leaders tonight, at 8:00 p.m., it seems crucial to address when, not what.
Because, after the married parliamentary epitaph, there are more and more the popular voices that claim an honorable output and by the organic channels.

And, although a good part that the barons wants to announce and their resignation, sources of the married environment say they want to do it in their speech at the National Board.
Because that is the natural and there is no need for the barons to make “scarce” of the end of it.

“Why do you have to announce your resignation today and not in the discourse of the National Board, which is where you should do it?” They wonder in their surroundings, aware that there is no “no doubt” that it will resign.
And since it is clear, “better on the board”.

But among the barons there is division of opinions, within which everyone agrees that married to step to the side.
Most of the autonomic leaders consulted believe that they must tell the presidents today that their end has come.
That he verbalize it stops from stopping “the sangria”, and that makes it cash on Tuesday.
“The forms are fundamental; it deserves to go well: What less!” They insist on their surroundings.

“Today he has to resign, everything else is an unnecessary hell for him” synthesizes one of the five barons that govern.
“He can do it before eight o’clock or communicate it at the meeting,” Zanja him.
“And I already tackle the role of it during these days to Congress; He has no more starting,” he adds.

“Lengthen the show is a mistake,” complains another president.
Another of the most veteran barons makes this diagnosis: “I understand that today I should say that it leaves. The first, for him. It must be an inner torment its situation. So I see it. But slow motion is a mistake”.

But not all PP regional presidents who are going to gather this afternoon with marriage believe that it must advertise their goodbye abruptly.
“I think we should listen to it, not only for humanity, but for justice, how shorter than listening to him,” explains one of the most relevant barons.

“After the resignation of Teo, an option is that today is the less hungry pack and triumph the ‘decent departure’ something more scheduled and by party image,” says a leader of Valencian PP.

“There were too many resignations,” grant the Junta de Andalucía.
“All this should have ended days ago. The president married must help him at this time. One thing is that it is not the best bet of future given the emotional rupture with the militancy and another is that it is not a party partner at
We respect and who we are going to help on this path, “they point out in the PP of Galicia.