Leo Harlem visited the anthill on Tuesday, February 22.
The humorist, who celebrated his two decades on the scenarios presenting the show 20 years is nothing, had a live laughing attack.

Tranches and ravines proposed a game called the Abuelometer and submitted to the guest and Pablo Motos a few questions.
“Do you comment on the things you are doing? Of what are you saying ‘Well, we’re at home,’ ‘I’m going to take a little air’ or ‘We have already dined.’ Are you going to comment on your own life?”, They raised.

“Constantly, on top of strangers,” answered the interviewee, who could not stop laughing.
“He is going to give him an Évole,” said Barrancas, in reference to the cataplexy attacks he has previously suffered Jordi Évole in the program.

Harlem took a few seconds to recover and the ants continued with the questions.
“Do you consider how to walk is a sport?” They wanted to know.
“Is that he caught me in all, it’s not just a sport, it’s possibly the healthiest,” Leo admitted.
“It’s that it is,” the presenter squared.

“When they knock on the door and you do not know who it is, you distrust?” They asked, to what Harlem answered no.
“I do not distrust, but it is impossible not to look at the peephole,” she recognized.

“Do you peise the fruit?”
It is another of the questions that proposed tranches and ravines.
“No. What I do, is to cut the chorizo against bread,” explained the comedian.
Finally, the ants wanted to know if Harlem had a radio, to which he answered affirmatively.
“You are a band of bastards. Mine is digital, it sounds like a shot, I have a pajamas that has a pocket and I get the transistor, it accompanies me all over the house,” he said.

Harlem will star in a single 20-year-old feature is nothing on March 9 at Madrid Theater Rialto.
“Then that’s going to be recorded for a platform, Movistar +,” she explained.
“There are my texts and then we are elaborating a few steps to tell my childhood and my youth. All for the interests that people break their chest,” he said about the work, which will collect some of the most outstanding monologues of him.

Motorcycle wanted to know what the interviewee was like little.
“Call me child, but I was born older, it was very good studying, but the schedule caught me badly,” he joked.
“I’ve had a great time, my friends were fantastic,” he added.