The PSOE has launched with all hardness against the PP and its leaders by grading the alleged espionage ordered from the Genoa dome against the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, for the supposed relationship of his brother with the irregular award of
A contract for the purchase of masks in full pandemic.
Since the Government is also attacked by the PP, accusing Felix Bolaños, “to cover corruption”.
The argument of the Socialists affects the idea that the Popular Party “remains the forever party, that of corruptelas”.

The spokesman for the Socialist Executive, Felipe Sicilia, requires urgent explanations to the President of the PP, Pablo Married;
To the President of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso and the Mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida.
In his opinion, with this matter “it is clear” that the married PP “continues with the same corrupt practices of Rajoy and Aznar’s PP.”

The Socialist spokesman maintains that married must clarify why “if he had suspicions of illegality, he did not become aware of the prosecution”;
that Almeida should explain what seems “a Kitchen 2 using the institutions, a public company of the City Council, to spy Diaz Ayuso” and, finally, Ayuso himself has to report “everything related to that contract that affects his brother
and that could be granted irregularly. ”

Sicily has also pointed out the fact that this case has come to light “after elections, those of Castile and León, who have weakened the leader of the PP.”
And this induces him to think that “it is an internal war of power.”
For the PSOE spokesman, there is no doubt that “the married PP is the same pp as Rajoy and Aznar: the trafficking of influences and corruption.”
“Today,” he has sentenced him, “we just prove it.”

Most comedy has been the Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, for whom the details of a case that generates “uncertainty and disaffection” in citizenship is known.
Montero also talks about “internal power of power” and urges the PP to give explanations and to know about justice any contract award that has been irregularly produced.
“There should be no suspicion,” she said.

“Loses democracy,” said Minister Spokesman, Isabel Rodríguez, who has demanded the main party of opposition to be transparent and gives due explanations.
“It must be the PP who explains this internal conflict that, increasingly becoming a struggle for the most virulent power,” has requested, on the other hand, the transport holder, Raquel Sánchez, who has accused PP to “maintain
Old current practices “.

The whole on the left has taken advantage of the internal tear in the PP to refloat criticism of corruption and compare those of Paul married to the “Sicilian mafia”, as has been done since United Can we.

The Minister of Consumer, Alberto Garzón, has asked to “clarify” even through justice an issue that has called “turbid” among popular members.

The Housing Residence spokeswoman and deputy at the Assembly of Madrid, Alejandra Jacinto, has charged against the methods used, but also against Ayuso: “On the one hand, a presumed espionage paid with public money; on the other, some alleged awards of paid contracts
with public money “.

A situation that recalls in the ranks of the Kitchen operation, which is why they ask for answers to the President of the Community of Madrid: “A party like this can not govern. Ayuso has to give explanations about the bites that according to Genoa received
His brother and must resign if they confirm. ”

While we can put the focus on Madrid, other formations bet on making a national reading of this crisis in the PP.
Thus, ERC spokesman at Congress, Gabriel Rufián, has pointed to Pablo Married: “I do not know if it will come to the generals.”

For its part, the General Secretary of the Parliamentary Group Vox, Macarena Olona, says to be “surprised, frightened and horrified” before this information.
“She thought that these things had already happened,” she said.
Olona affirms that what is published is an “extreme gravity”, she hopes that the case is “clarified to the end” and based on it VOX will make decisions.

“This is deleznable, it is a matter of democratic regeneration, corruption and espionage do not have a political color and they are delezable affect who they affect,” he maintained.

Íñigo Errejon (more country) considers that the “most serious and worrying” of this case lies in the fact that “the war between pp bands are paid with citizen money.”
The deputy of the more country has warned Vox and citizens, two parties that support the PP in Madrid, that giving it back to end “tucked in the same lodazal”.