After three years of lawsuits, Samuel Eto’o (40) has finally been sentenced to recognize Erika do Rosario, a 21-year-old, as his daughter.
The process has been long since the former footballer Cameroonés has systematically refused to collaborate in the case of his fatherhood and according to Fernando Osuna, Erika’s lawyer and his mother, Adileusa do Rosario (42), has delayed “maliciously the case”
For its refusal to undergo the DNA test.
Finally, justice has given the reason for Erika and has forced Eto’o to recognize her as her daughter and the payment of a food pension of 1,400 euros per month.

The judge already declared him in rebellion for not attending the notifications of the court and for more than a year he was urged by the judge a must pay as a precautionary measure 1,400 euros a month in food pension to Erika, something that does not
has done.

Erika resorted in 2019 to justice to be recognized as a legitimate daughter of Eto’o.
In July 2020, the former footballer was condemned to pay a one of 1,400 euros to the young “in provisional food” as a precautionary measure waiting for the demand to be resolved.

After several requirements by the young woman unanswered by Eto’o, in February 2020 the trial was taken place to see his case.
Faced with the delay in issuing sentence, Erika called, “anguished”, last September so that the sentence was issued since her economic situation and her mother is very precarious.
An oral view was held with witnesses who credited the relationship between Eto’o and Adileusa do Rosario and other tests, which did not come to the former footballer, despite being cited.
Osuna argued a series of “signs or suspicions, as well as evidence” on paternity, among which are the physical resemblance, the different witnesses and documents, the pension of food, photos and messages of whatsapp.

Erika’s mother, Adileusa do Rosario, met in Madrid to Eto’o in 1999 in a famous bar who used to go players from Real Madrid.
There she worked as a waitress, she had a relationship with the footballer and became pregnant. Adileusa argues that as soon as he communicated it, Eto’o disengaged from her.
Erika’s mother reported that she even brought her baby at 15 days to be born to the Sports City of Madrid to try, in vain, to recognize her.
At that time, the player put the ex-girlfriend of him in a car back home with the promise of taking over the girl, but he gave her a fake phone and never again knew.

Finally, the sentence has arrived this Friday and has finally ratified the paternity of the former footballer and Erika’s right to be registered and recognized as such.

The sentence can be appealed but Osuna says that Eto’o, which resides in Qatar, would have to be personally.
“And what will you argue? Why did not he ever give signs of life in all this time? The case has been published in the entire international press and it is impossible for him to allege that he was not aware,” says the lawyer to
Osuna adds that if he caught him he would ask again for a DNA test that would not but ratify paternity.

The lawyer will start the process to request the embargo of the goods necessary for the payment of the alimony of the 1,400 euros with retroactive effect.
“Erika and her mother are very happy because they live in a fairly precarious situation. Erika is finishing his studies of Magisterium and gets a little bit like a kangaroo, but nothing else,” she says.

After confirming paternity, Erika has become the seventh recognized daughter of the former footballer.
The Cameroon has three daughters with the woman of him Georgette called Sienna, Lynn and Maelle.
Fruit of him with the Italian hairdresser Anna Barranca Annie was born.
He is a father also from Etienne, a footballer as his father, whose mother, Marian Pineda, alleges that he does not receive the stipulated pension either.
He also has two other children, Junior and Soan, of a French woman.

Osuna would like to promote an encounter between Eto’o and his daughter, although he sees it difficult.
He has achieved it with some of him, some as media as Carlos Baute and his son of him José Daniel, whom the singer recognized in 2021.