While resolving the talks to solve the long conflict of Donbas, Russia and Belarus have started maneuvers that concern Kiev and NATO. They will extend until next day 20, reports the Russian Ministry of Defense; And they are the greatest military deployment in Belarus since the Cold War, according to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.The alliance says that Russia faces an election: diplomatic solution or sanctions. British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, met with Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki in Warsaw. Speaking at a press conference, Johnson said: “Poland and the United Kingdom will not accept a world in which a powerful neighbor can intimidate or attack its neighbors.” The Ukrainian president Volodimir Zelensky, denounced that the concentration of Russian soldiers in The borders of your country is a means of “psychological pressure”. They are a total of 30,000 Russian soldiers deployed. Ukraine fears that they never leave but the Kremlin ensures that they will later be reflected at their bases. In addition, these last days have been reaching Belarus long-range weapons as Batteries of S-400 anti-Silly missile and Fourth Generation SU-35 fighters. The Russian Foreign Minister, Serguei Lavrov, described as “drama” every day more similar to a “comedy” the Western reaction to the maneuvers ‘Aliado-2020’.

Faced with this Russian deployment, the Ukrainians have begun maneuvers as well. Ukrainian forces, whose number has not been revealed, are prepared to use Bayraktar drones and Javelin Antitanque missiles provided recently by their foreign allies. Ukraine is also preparing a response to the Russian Navy exercises in the Black Sea, said Foreign Minister, Dimitro Kuleba.The six Russian warships that go to the Black Sea from the Mediterranean to perform naval exercises have fired some Alarms in Kiev, although the Russian Ministry of Defense already said on Tuesday it was a previously planned movement. Moscow issued navigation warnings when six of its large landing boats entered the Black Sea from the Mediterranean this week to perform naval exercises. These warships have a total capacity of up to 63 tanks and 2,000 soldiers, according to the ‘Naval News’ website, which added that a Russian submarine is also expected to cross the Black Sea on Friday. The Foreign Ministry of Ukraine presented a “firm protest” by Moscow’s decision to block some areas of the Black Seas and Azov, as well as the Strait of Kerch, with the excuse of the naval maneuvers of the Russian Navy. Lathe to Ukraine involve the country with forces of the same army that ‘shielded the Crimean annexation in 2014 with a referendum. “The surface that occupy these maneuvers, unprecedented by its magnitude, virtually impossible navigation in both seas,” says Ukrainian protest on naval maneuvers. He holds Kiev that these maneuvers damage his economy. The Russian outdoor holder recalled that it is the sovereign right of any government to determine the duration of the military exercises he chooses to perform. He said it after the conversations in Moscow with the British Foreign Affairs Secretary, Liz Truss, who asked Russia to be consistent his affirmation that he has no plans to invade Ukraine with actions and move his troops from the border. The Black Sea is A crossroad crossroads with Ukraine, Russia, with an annexed Crimean peninsula and also with several NATO countries: the epicenter of this geopolitical pulse where Russia wants to dodge the EU again. Lavrov stated that Russia is not interested in a collective response from the European Union on the interpretation of the Principle of Security Indivivibility in Europe. Moscow expects an individual response from each of its member countries. “I have heard that instead of honest responses from each country, the EU wants to present a collective role that will not reflect the nuances of national postures,” Lavrov said in his wheel with his British counterpart, Liz Truss. The head of Russian diplomacy predicted that in that case “the dialogue will not prosper” with the EU. Lavrov has written to his counterparts from the member countries of the Organization for Safety and Cooperation (OSCE) by asking them for the individual position on the principle of safety indivisibility in Europe.