Research on recent reception acts has not only uncovered the contacts between the Government and the environment of the prisoners, has also revealed a strategy to maintain the celebration of the ETORRI NGO avoiding the allegations of victims and the eventual police intervention

On either of the two matters he wanted to pronounce this Thursday of the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska.
He had a public act, but the head of the department, from which prison institutions depends, did not mention the contacts underground with the Etarra environment.

“Thanks to telephone interventions and research development,” says a report from the Civil Guard referred to the national audience, “was aware that the Commission in favor of prisoners would be trying to cover up acts of tribute to Members.
of ETA, proposing as a solution that will be held as acts of support or manifestations. ”

In this way, the former prisoners who control acts are intended to “avoid allegations of the associations of victims of terrorism, some political parties, etc., which considered acts of choice of terrorism.”

The researchers reach several conclusions following the document found in Haymar Altuna’s computer, one of those arrested by the Civil Guard with Antonio López Ruiz, Alias ‘Kubati’, for his work of control and organization of the NGO Etori.

The two sheets of the document ‘Proposal’s proposal of prisoners’ start saying that the State has put “the focus” in the Etorior NGO, which “begin to extend summaries at the national audience” and that “there are indications that they intend to act against the
Structure of SORTU “[…] therefore, it is necessary to” adapt the census and the ritual of the NGO Etorri “.

The document raises three options for its celebration.
According to the researchers, with it “they could be trying to avoid possible judicial actions,” as well as “minimize the impact and indignation they cause […] without desisting or renovating in any case to realization them”.

One of the three ways is to redirect the welcome towards a public demonstration.
“Introducing the prisoner in the demonstration, between people,” says the document, which requires that the release will not go on the banner and will not take the floor.

Another option that is contemplated is to carry out the act “in a closed or private space”.
“Make the hosting in a small space of the town (in the pediment, at the sports center, in the cinema, in the theater …), (without having a hallway, without flares … that is, without typical paraphernalias).
If there was not this type of spaces in the town, we would do it in any other corner of the region, where privacy is guaranteed. ”

The third option that is considered feasible is to allow “that is carried out in a public space, as long as it is a very discreet and prudent place of the town, also in this case in this case the trajectory of the prisoner and its relevance.”

The reception, in any of the three forms, would not be the end.
Then what is called the “Day of Solidarity”.
“After the month / months of his arrival in the town, it will be time for the people of the people to show their closeness and affection (food / dinner, an exit to the mountain, a talk … every town whatever you want)”.

The event returns to risks, and so it addresses the document: “But be careful, to celebrate the day of solidarity we will have to keep the criteria so far established (be careful with the projection we give it, if the act takes place in a space
Closed, they should avoid the words NGO Etori) “.

Messages or documents seized reflect the concern about the indignation caused by acts in public opinion.
Joseba Azkárraga, visible head of the Sare network of support for prisoners, sends Kubati the message that has given him “El de Madrid”.
This is the Secretary General of Penitentiary Institutions, Ángel Luis Ortiz, with whom he assiduously deals with the requests that Kubati moves and other ancient prisoners.
“I take this opportunity to tell me that I send me that of Madrid a Waasap with the photo of the NGO Etori yesterday and he tells me this does not help much.”

The researchers conclude the analysis of the document, which consider very valuable, indicating that the change of strategy with the NGO Etorri “is not part of the moral conviction, but is a consequence of police, judicial, etc.”, and that its responsible “no
They waive to do acts of tribute “, just to give them another format.

The government’s spokeswoman was pronounced on the content of the report.
“The government moves in the field of law, justice and penitentiary institutions,” said Isabel Rodríguez.
In the opposite direction, the leader of the PP, Pablo Married, claimed the president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, the resignation of Marlaska.
“Sánchez has to cease today the Minister of the Interior and [Meritxell] Batet has to authorize today the commission of research we have asked,” he said.