Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has been killed on Thursday his controversial statements in which he announced “a pause” in relations with Spain, clarifying that his words were aimed at “Spanish companies, supported by political power, who abused
Our country, from our people and who saw us as a land of conquest, “as Iberdrola, Repsol, OHL and BBVA, which has mentioned directly.

Despite having rejected any kind of rupture at a diplomatic level, the Mexican leader continues to feed a hostile climate for Spanish investments in the country, considering that some companies achieved great contracts during previous governments through “influence.”

“What I said yesterday is: Come on, for the sake of our peoples, to have a pause, I did not talk about rupture, let’s calm down the relationship so that it is not thinking that it is going to loot Mexico impunity, and that happened
“He has assured the president.
Thus, he has announced the opening of a new stage for Spanish companies in the country: “It is a lack of respect, they should offer you apologies, they have not done it, it does not matter, but we are going to enter a new stage slowly.”
At the insistence of journalists, Mexican president has rejected that his continuous attacks against Spain and their companies respond to “Phobia or Xenophobia, no, what we have to do is respect ourselves.”

López Obrador conquered the presidency through a populist discourse with which he presented himself as the ‘Savior’ of the oppressed people against the economic elites that controlled political power during previous administrations.
According to Mexican president, Spanish companies played a key role in the corruption of said system: “In each sexenius there was a favorite company of Spain. Felipe Calderón’s Former Speaker finished his mandate and went to work on the board of directors of IBERDROLA. This
It meant that Iberdrola became a kind of monopoly in Mexico and received privileged treatment (…) This type of relationship costs us very much, we are talking about subsidies, money from all Mexicans who, instead of being used to get out of the
Poverty to the people, was used to favor these companies. ”

The statements of López Obrador arrive when his controversial energy reform, which prioritizes the generation of electricity through state enterprises to the detriment of the private ones, is close to being approved by the cameras.
In addition to Iberdrola, Mexican president has attacked Repsol: “Only the analysis of how much they took from Mexico during the government of Calderón would help to understand that it was an abuse.”

He has also denounced that “Ohl was the favorite company in the past sexenio, also Spanish, all the influencentismollegated to the highest of the power of Spain and Mexico.”
The Mexican President has cited several Spanish companies linked to different sectors of the economy to move the idea that they share the same presumptuously corrupt practices “even in tourism management, they were put on public rug officials.”

López Obrador has also pointed out those responsible for BBVA, the largest banking entity in Mexico, of having fueled a campaign against him during the electoral period: “The Chairman of the Bancomer Council, which now belongs to Spanish entrepreneurs, pronounced in
Against mine in the past campaign saying it was a populist. They felt like the owners of the country and now they are surprised, because there is no rupture, if it is necessary to clarify that we go slowly, because sometimes it takes that it is understood that they are already other
CONDITIONS As long as the looting took a long time during the neoliberal period, it is not enough to internalize that this is already different, corruption is no longer accepted. ”