The Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, has met on Wednesday with his Ukrainian counterpart, Dmitro Kuleba, to express the solidarity of Spain and the European Union, and “Advance in the path of diplomacy, distension and desdecaled
“From the current crisis.

Albares has reiterated the support of Spain “to the sovereignty” of Ukraine, in the conflict with Russia, and has insisted on the diplomatic way of the EU and NATO.
“Dialogue, desdecaled, distension and, if necessary, dissuasive”, he has summarized her.
“No one on this side of Europe is preparing for a war,” she has sentenced.

The German chancellor Olaf Scholz is intensifying his efforts to calm the crisis in Ukraine, taking the relay of Emmanuel Macron, whose diplomatic commitment seems to be giving initial results, with Kiev and Moscow by evoking positive signals.

For its part, Poland has confirmed that he will send “ammunition, short-range anti-air and drones” missiles, to contribute to the “defensive” arsenal of that country against the threat of Russia.

Four Air Army Eurofighter combat aircraft will fly this Friday to Bulgaria for contributing to the Surveillance of the East Flank of NATO and the Black Sea, in full tension climate with Russia.

Specifically, they will deploy in the Bulgarian Base of GRAF Ignatievo four Eurofighter Air Army combat aircraft, based on the plains (Albacete), and 130 military.

It is a mission framed in the operations of dissuasion of the Atlantic Alliance to monitor the Eastern sky of Europe and identify aircraft that cross its unidentified, almost always Russian airspace, reports Europe Press.

The tour of the French President, Emmanuel Macron, by Moscow, Kiev and Berlin “achieved” his goal, by allowing “advancing” efforts to reduce tension between Russia and Ukraine, estimated the French presidency on Wednesday, discarding “immediate benefits”,
Informa AFP.

“The objective was achieved,” summarized the Elysee, in stating that it was to “allow each one to pause and consider the ways of unfortunate (…) at a time of increasing tension” on the border between both countries.

The level of gas reserves in Germany, which is observed with interest in this context of tensions with Russia, was reduced to a “worrying” level, a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Economy and Climate on Wednesday.

“We are watching reserves and the level is really worrying,” he said, during a press conference.
Reservations are now 35-36%, below the critical level of 40%.

The question about whether the gas reserves will suffice to spend the winter in Germany deserves a lot of space in the press in these last weeks, as tension increases by Ukraine between Russia, the United States and Europe, informs AFP.

The recent reinforcement of the presence of NATO troops in Lithuania, Estonia and Poland, on bilateral agreements, could be permanent with a ministerial decision, said on Wednesday, the Chairman of the Military Committee of the Alliance, Admiral Rob Bauer.

The military said to the press on a Lithuanian basis that the deployment of additional German troops to Lithuania and British to Estonia, in addition to Americans in Poland, is part of the “increased surveillance” of NATO for tension with regard to concentration
of Russian troops next to Ukraine and in Belarus.

He added that the reinforcement of the Battle Groups of the Mission Enhanced Forward Presence in Estonia and Lithuania is made on a bilateral basis, which favors the speed of the procedure.
But he added that the mission could acquire permanent character if the ministers of the countries of the Atlantic Alliance decide, inform EFE.

The Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, met on Wednesday with the Ukrainian president, Volodígir Zelenski, to move the support of the Spanish State to Ukraine at times of great tension with neighboring Russia.

The meeting, an hour-o’clock, took place shortly after the head of Spanish diplomacy was interviewed with its Ukrainian counterpart, Dmitro Kuleba, and the country’s prime minister, Denys Shmyhal.

“I have liked the positive thing that I have found all the interlocutors, looking towards the future, betting on dialogue, without decay and with positive energy,” Albares told the media after his encounters in Kiev.
He added, that all the counterparts of him thanked the “constructive and unity” position of Spain with respect to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine and the “firmness of that position”.
In addition, Ukraine expressed appreciation to Spain for not evacuating its Kiev diplomatic staff during the crisis, as they did countries such as the US and the United Kingdom, aimed, reports EFE.

The German chancellor Olaf Scholz is intensifying his efforts to calm the crisis in Ukraine, taking the relay of Emmanuel Macron, whose diplomatic commitment seems to be giving initial results on Wednesday, with Kiev and Moscow showing positive signs.

Ukraine has praised this Wednesday “real possibilities” to unwind the crisis with Russia after the recent efforts of Europeans who, according to Kremlin, have sent the first positive “signs”.

“Today there are real possibilities of a diplomatic arrangement,” the head of Ukrainian diplomacy Dmytro Kouleba was greeted in Kiev, for whom the situation is still “tense but under control”.

The threats of “unprecedented” sanctions in case of a Russian attack, as well as the intense dialogue of the last days could take the spectrum of a war in Europe, wants to believe the Ukrainian government.
Informa AFP.

The Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, has insisted on Wednesday in the “Via del Dialogue and Diplomacy” in the conflict unleashed in Ukraine, while having recognized the “concern” of Spain for military escalation on the border of this ancient
Soviet Republic

Asked about the possibility of mobilizing military units of El Cupper, in two sisters (Seville), beyond the maneuvers that are usual within the framework of NATO, has ensured that “there is no new availability”.

In statements to the media after visiting the facilities of the Military Base La Coppero, the owner of Defense has insisted that Spain bet “clearly” for the pathways of dialogue and diplomacy “, in tune with the position that defend both the Atlantic Alliance
as the United States. Information Europe Press

The Slovak Parliament has approved this Wednesday a cooperation agreement that allows the US to increase its military presence in the country, an agreement that reaches in the midst of the tension between Russia and Ukraine, with which Slovakia has border.

The Convention has been approved by 79 of the 140 deputies present today in the National Council, and is waiting for ratification by the Head of State, Zuzana Caputova, who has already announced that he has no objections.

Slovakia joins the group of 24 NATO member countries that have already approved said bilateral treaty with Washington.

“It is a defense agreement whose objective is to protect the sovereignty and integrity of Slovakia,” said the Prime Minister, the conservative Eduard Heger.
Informa Efe.

The head of the staff of Russia, Valeri Gueráminas, has arrived on Wednesday to Belarus to preside over the military maneuvers “Aliado-2022”, which start on Thursday and have aroused restlessness in neighboring Ukraine and NATO, who accuse Moscow
to prepare an invasion.

According to the Ministry of Russian Defense, the exercises are “the final phase” in the verification of the operating state of the rapid reaction troops, which began in January under the order of Russian presidents, Vladimir Putin, and Belarusian, Alexandr Lukashenko.

During the maneuvers, Defense Operations of the Russia-Belarus State Union will be staged against an external aggression and also actions of anti-terrorist fight.

The Castrense note also announces the deployment of the S-400 long-range anti-aircraft defense systems in a military polygon in the Brest region, bordering with Ukraine and Poland.
These batteries, which need less than five minutes to enter service, have a range of up to 400 kilometers.
Informa Efe.

British prime minister, Boris Johnson, travels on Thursday to Poland, and his external minister, Liz Truss, Russia, as part of a concerted effort to address the Ukrainian crisis.

Johnson hopes to meet with the Prime Minister of Poland, Mateusz Morawiecki, and with the president of the country, Andrzej doubt, according to the British media, while Truss will be interviewed with his Russian colleague, Sergei Lavrov.

This week, United Kingdom announced the shipment of 350 soldiers to Poland to support Warsaw before the “threat” representing both Russia and Belarus.

The owner of British diplomacy pointed out, on the occasion of his trip to Russia that begins today, which the United Kingdom is determined to “defend freedom and democracy in Ukraine” and that Russia “should not hesitate from the strength of the response” of
his country.
Informa Efe.

The Government of Russia states that it sees “positive signs” for the resolution of the crisis in Ukraine after a meeting between the French and Ukrainian presidents in Kiev.

Emmanuel Macron met with Volodimir Zelenski on Tuesday in the midst of a frenzy of diplomatic maneuvers in Europe to deactivate a hypothetical invasion of Ukraine by Russia, which has concentrated some 100,000 soldiers on its borders.

“There were positive signs that a solution for Ukraine could only be based on the Minsk agreements,” the Kremlin spokesman, Dmitri Peskov said to the press.

These agreements were signed in 2015 between Kiev and the proper separatists of the East of Ukraine, but did not end at all with the conflict that since 2014 has left more than 13,000 dead.
Informa AFP.

“Dialogue, desdecaled, distension and, if necessary, dissuasive”, is the prescription of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, who maintained this morning in Kiev an encounter with his Ukrainian counterpart, Dimitro Kuleba.
Albares avoided talking about arms delivery to Ukraine and, although he mentioned that “all the measures are open,” he insisted that “nobody on this side of Europe is preparing for a war.”

Russia maintains deployed on the border with Ukraine more than 120,000 soldiers.
Although he has denied intentions to attack, he has warned West of a “technical-military whether his requirements of a NATO retreat in Central Europe.

Read the full information of Xavier Collas

The Polish Minister of Defense, Mariusz Blaszczak, has confirmed this Wednesday that Poland will send “ammunition, short-range anti-air missiles and drones” to Ukraine, to contribute to the “defensive” arsenal of that country in front of Russia’s threat.

Likewise, Blaszczak has affirmed that, in his visit to London last Monday, the shipment of 350 British soldiers southeast of Poland was agreed, which will join the 1,700 US military whose deployment is being completed these days.

After emphasizing that, in his opinion, “only firmness can stop Vladimir Putin,” the minister has assured that, “is in Polish national interest that Ukraine is a sovereign and independent state.”

Likewise, Blaszczak emphasized that the belonging of Poland to NATO “is a guarantee of national security” for your country, and that the fact of assigning “more than two percent of the gross domestic product to defense, as well as the creation of a
New law of defense of the homeland “, strengthen the position of Poland.
Informa Efe.

Pope Francis has attorned this Wednesday for dialogue in the midst of increasing tensions for the threat of a Russian invasion of Ukraine and has ensured that “war is crazy” at the general audience on Wednesdays in the Vatican.

“We continue to plead the god of peace so that tensions and threats of war be overcome through a serious dialogue and for talks in the Normandy format to contribute to that end,” said the pontiff before the dozens of faithful gathered in
The Aula Paul VI.

Francis referred to the negotiating format that includes the leaders of Ukraine, Russia, Germany and France, which these days are deploying their best diplomatic skills to get tensions to be lowered.

“And let’s not forget: War is crazy,” the Pope added, who wanted to thank those who responded for his appeal to devote the day of January 26 to prayer for peace in Ukraine.
Informa Efe.

Japan will send part of its liquefied natural gas reserves (LNG) to Europe to avoid interruption of supply in the region as tension between Russia and Ukraine is recruited, the Government reported on Wednesday.

In statements to journalists, Japanese Trade and Industry Minister Koichi Hagiuda has said that the Asian country has “decided to cooperate” with the petitions made by several countries before fear of an energy crisis, despite the high national demand during the

Japan is one of the largest importers of LNG in the world for its geographical peculiarities and lack of own resources, with imports of 74.5 million tonnes in 2020 that came mainly from Australia, Malaysia and Tasting (65%), while
Just 6% was obtained from Russia and the United States.
Informa Efe.

“This is the moment of diplomacy and not to open scenarios and hypotheses that are not there,” said Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares, after meeting with his Ukrainian homotherner Dmitri Kuleba in Kiev.

“All diplomatic roads are open,” said the minister, “the situation is already tense enough to create a kind of prophecy that has to end self-employment”

“All efforts to channel the desdecaled and the dialogue,” said albares, “nobody on this side of Europe is preparing for a war.”

Spain is the largest importer of agricultural products from Ukraine, and also has important computer development agreements, has affirmed the Minister of Foreign Minister of Ukraine, Dmitro Kuleba, after his meeting with his Spanish counterpart José Manuel Albares in Kiev.

“Ukrainians and Spaniards we know each other and better,” said Albare, who has opted to promote this Union, more when there begins to be an important community of Ukrainians in Spain and Spanish in Ukraine.

Albares has reiterated the support of Spain “to the sovereignty” of Ukraine, in the conflict with Russia, and has insisted on the diplomatic way of the EU and NATO.
“Dialogue, desdecaled, distension and, if necessary, dissuasive”, he has summarized her.

“We continue with concern the deployment of Russian troops but we are convinced that this situation can be reconnected through dialogue,” said Spanish minister.

The Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, has placed on Wednesday a floral offering on the wall dedicated to the memory of the fallen conflict in the east of Ukraine, next to the monastery of San Miguel of the Golden Domes of Kiev

Albares has been accompanied by his Ukrainian counterpart, Dmitro Kuleba, with whom he will meet next in the Foreign Ministry of Ukraine, which is next to the wall.

The Spanish minister has deposited red and yellow roses with a loop of the same colors, those of the flag of Spain.
The two ministers, both equipped with masks, have kept a minute of silence in front of the wall of the fallen.

According to the UN, there are already more than 14,000 deaths between civilians and combatants in the armed conflict in Donbras, which exploded in April 2014 among the separatists supported by Russia and the Ukrainian army.
Informa Efe.

Since Senkivka’s border post, the monument “three sisters” can be seen, erected in honor of friendship between Ukraine, Belarus and Russia, a brotherhood resentful by the military alliance between those last two countries and the great maneuvers that will start the other tomorrow
side of the Ukrainian border.

The monument is located in “neutral territory”, right at the intersection of the borders of the three former Soviet republics, in a kind of triangle formed between the roads that are directed towards these countries.

On the eve of the Russian-Belarusian joint maneuvers “Ally Determination 2022”, the message of the Gigantic White Stone Mole surrounded by a bronze ring with allegorical bas-relief to the common history of the three Slavic nations, is in question about 55 years after
Having been erected.

A border guard officer affirms EFE that Ukrainian authorities have not taken any action for the coming maneuvers at the moment.

“Everything is very quiet, there is no change,” he says, but he recalls that last November the number of uniformed yes doubled – 8,500 troops came to the border – before the fear that the migratory crisis between Belarus and Poland extended to
Informa Efe.

Inside a thick military uniform and with a rifle on a shoulder, an Ukrainian border guard observes a snow-covered valley through a barbed wire fence: for the Ukrainians, the border with Russia is synonymous with threat.

“We are always alert,” says AFP Mykola Ferryne, border guards service officer in the region.
“In case of aggression of Russia, we will be the first involved.”

Eight years ago, before the annexation of Crimea and the beginning of the conflict with the private separatists in the Hullera de Donbore basin, the border line was barely marked and was sometimes virtual in this northeast region where cross-border loops, both family and
Economic, they were very strong.

But as Russian-Ukrainian and Western tensions aggravated, the fortification of the border became a priority for Ukraine.

The visit of the French President, Emmanuel Macron, Russia has been “positive” and has brought “an element of distension” to the crisis between Western countries and Russia by Ukraine, but has not produced a “miracle,” he has assured this Tuesday
The head of the diplomacy of the European Union.

“To the extent that people are willing to sit at the table and talk, I think there is a hope for not entering a military confrontation,” Josep Borrell told reporters at the conclusion of a visit to Washington.

Russia has concentrated more than 100,000 soldiers on its border with Ukraine, which has caused accusations from the United States and the EU that it is preparing an invasion.
Moscow denies these invasion plans and has demanded extensive guarantees of security to Washington and the NATO Alliance.
Informa AFP.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, EU and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares, travels this Wednesday to Ukraine to move the solidarity of Spain to this country at the risk of invasion by Russia and to continue exploring the way of dialogue to resolve the current crisis

Albares has defended that his trip to Kiev, at the invitation of his Ukrainian counterpart, Dimitro Kuleba, with whom he will meet throughout the day, is framed in the “high intensity diplomacy” that is currently taking place to despair the situation
and in which “Spain actively participates”.

In this sense, it has specified that on Thursday it will move to Brussels where there are anticipated meetings with the NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, and with the High Representative for EU Foreign Policy, Josep Borrell, in order to analyze
The crisis and “adding efforts between Europeans and allies”.
Informa Europa Press

The roar of the machine guns resonates between the abandoned buildings of Pripyat, in the Zone of Exclusion of Chernobyl, where soldiers of the Ukrainian National Guard carried out urban combat exercises.

The training carried out in one of the most radioactive sites on the planet is carried out in the middle of the fears of a potential Russian invasion.
Moscow has kneaded more than 100,000 soldiers on the border with Ukraine and has sent Personal to Belarus, 10 km north, to perform joint maneuvers.

For Ukrainian forces, the deserted streets and apartment buildings of Pripyat, empty since the inhabitants were evacuated after the 1986 nuclear disaster, are an ideal training camp.

Soldiers in camouflage costume practice evicting armed attackers of buildings, mortar shooting and facing snipers under urban conditions.

Emergency services have mounted evacuations, in which a loudspeaker asks the inhabitants to leave, and turned off fires caused by combats.
Informa AFP.

France, Germany and Poland have affirmed their unit on Tuesday to “avoid a war in Europe” after an intense diplomatic round of French President Emmanuel Macron, who claims to believe in “concrete solutions” to the crisis with Russia for the situation in Ukraine.

The three countries are “united” to preserve peace in Europe “through diplomacy and clear messages, as well as the common will to act together,” said German chancellor Olaf Scholz, who received French and Polish presidents

This work dinner in Berlin has been the last stage of Emmanuel Macron’s diplomatic tour, which included a long face to face with Vladimir Putin on Monday and then Volodimir Zelenski, the Ukrainian president, on Tuesday, in search of a diplomatic solution
In a context of unprecedented tensions since the end of the Cold War.
Informa AFP.