If you’re receiving an excessive amount of unwanted telemarketing calls, you’re certainly not alone. It seems like every time you pick up the phone or check your text messages, there’s another sales pitch waiting to pounce on you, and it’s getting more and more challenging to say no! For some people, just hanging up the phone in peace at the end of the day can make all the difference in how they feel about their day and what they have to look forward to tomorrow.

The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA)

One law reigns supreme regarding unwanted calls: The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). Passed in 1991, the TCPA applies to any situation where someone uses an automatic telephone dialing system (or robocall) or a prerecorded voice without prior consent. In addition, it also applies to situations where individuals are harassing their debtors. Here are some telltale signs that you have a case against telemarketing calls.

1. You Constantly Receive Calls from Unknown Numbers, and You Didn’t Sign Up

There’s no debating that we live in a digital age. However, technology isn’t inherently bad—having said that, most people aren’t thrilled about hearing from entities they don’t know. Before starting their pitch, telemarketers should tell you who they are and why they’re calling. Hence, it gives you time to hang up if you don’t want to speak with them, but often, telemarketers don’t do that. They want to keep you on hold long enough for additional callers to come through.

It doesn’t matter whether you know or trust a number—if it has an unknown area code or isn’t in your contacts list. If it starts with a common word like debt, card services, credit assistance, it could be a telemarketer trying to get information out of you by buying your silence via sweepstakes offers. Offers such as press one now to win $10 million! In such a case, you can contact a robocall lawyer California without hesitation to protect you and ensure you get the compensation you deserve.

Different laws govern what kind of communication is legal in different situations. However, there’s no question about whether it’s illegal to call people at random times throughout the day when you never asked for their service or products.

2. They Continue Calling Even After Requesting for A Stop

It’s not just annoying; it could be a violation of federal law. Legally, they have to stop calling you after you tell them to stop calling, and if they don’t, what do you do? You have a right to know how to get them to stop calling. There are ways you can help enforce your rights under Federal laws like The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), designed to protect consumers from robocalls and telemarketers. First, you might want to file a complaint with The Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The second is filing a class-action lawsuit against violators of your privacy rights. However, you may need to hire a robocalls attorney to negotiate on your behalf for compensation for unwanted calls depending on how bad it has gotten.

3. You Keep Receiving Bills from Companies You Don’t Remember Doing Business With

As far as junk mail goes, it’s common to get unwanted catalogs, credit card offers, and other pieces of direct mail and texts. It happens. However, there could be a problem if you receive bills and collection notices from companies that you don’t remember doing business with in the past. In cases like these, you may have a claim against telemarketing calls and collection actions.

4. You’ve Received Robocalls or Text Messages Involving Someone Else’s Debt

When it comes to telemarketing violations, one of the most pervasive problems is spam text messages and robocalls related to someone else’s debt. The Federal Trade Commission says over 40% of all telemarketing complaints are related to third-party debt collection activities. Your first instinct might be to believe these phone calls and texts are legitimate—after all, they seem official.

However, the calls and messages are probably not coming from your loan servicer or creditor. These automated calls are challenging and often impossible to stop without filing formal legal action through a Robocall lawyer from a reliable company like the Kazerouni Law Group.

5. Scam Phone Numbers Appear to Be Local but Are Actually from Outside the Area

Outside companies can use local numbers because scammers use online services such as fake local call generators to mask their actual location. By making their numbers appear local. These spammers hope to trick consumers into answering their calls and giving up personal information.


Proving liability in a telemarketing or collection agency case is challenging; after all, how do you prove who made those annoying phone calls or texted those threatening messages? Although it won’t be easy, your attorney from a reputable company like the Kazerouni Law Group will work with expert witnesses, pay close attention to detail, perform research and consult industry resources to build a strong claim. Under The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, violators are subject to damages between $100 and $1,000 depending on how many times they violate consumer protection laws. Contact your robocall lawyer immediately and seek your rights.