The Second Vice President of the Government and Minister of Labor and Social Economy, Yolanda Díaz, has assured that he was going to make the decisions “that were precise by pure coherence” of not having left the labor reform that was validated last Thursday at Congress with
A very tight majority.

This has been transferred it in an interview on the sixth, picked up by Europe Press, as asked about whether I was going to resign if the decree had not been approved in the lower house, since the minister assured days before the vote was produced
That he had already made a decision if the scenario was not favorable and that, in addition, he had moved it to his team.

However, the minister has ensured that he will continue with his current charges, unless the president of the government, Pedro Sánchez, considered otherwise.

Asked about the relationship with ERC, after the vote against training, Díaz has responded that he has heard about personal projects and that “who argues personal projects has to explain it to the workers,” he added.

“I do not do politics from the personal.”
“I tell them we were at pique and that what they said was not true, that the norm was not in danger,” he said, while he has warned that “with the things to eat is not played” and that this form of
Making politics is “pure noise”.

Those who gave the ‘Yes’ were those of the formation of Frankadas Inés and, about their support, Yolanda Díaz has said that it “does not matter who” approves the norm, but has remembered that the political program of citizens “goes in
Contrary direction “because” they wanted to lower compensation for dismissal and the interprofessional minimum wage agreement wanted to upload it by 1% “.

Finally, on the state of the Government Coalition after these months of negotiation of labor reform, Díaz has assured that this “enjoys very good health” and that, although there has been “many tensions,” he has assured that they have
Resolved and that all government defends this norm.