As planned, the Interiorritorial Health Council has given green light to relax the use of outdoor mask.
Autonomous and health communities have agreed to eliminate the obligation of this outdoor measure.

Waiting to see the final wording of the new use of the mask, from the interterritorial exceptions are maintained in: the celebration of multitudinal events if there is no distance and standing, which will have to be taken, and a recommendation is included when
There are agglomerations on the street.

Furthermore, in the sanitary native to the sort of sports competitions: they rise to 75% interior and 85% outside.
This is, until now the percentages were lower: up to 75% outdoors and up to 50% indoors, as agreed at the interior meeting of January 26.

In the same way, the rest of the specific measures are maintained against the VOC-19 adopted for sports competitions from the National Football League, the League of the Basketball Club Association (ACB), as well as other multitudinous sporting events.

These measures will be approved tomorrow, Tuesday at the Council of Ministers and the Royal Decree that regulates the use of the mask will be published later on Wednesday in the Official State Bulletin (BOE) and will take effect this Thursday 10 February.

In the session of this morning, the Minister of Health, Carolina Darias, has shared with the auotonomies the important progress made by Spain in regulatory matters with respect to the Covid Digital Certificate within the European Commission.

In this regard, it is necessary to emphasize that a proposal for amendment to Regulation (EU) 2021/953 has been published with the objective, among others, that in the EU digital COVID certificates (CCDS) can be issued to people participating in
Clinical trials of Vaccines COVID-19 (as is the case of the Spanish Hospra vaccine) and that such certificates can be accepted by other Member States to not apply restrictions on free movement.

In this line, the Ministry of Health has raised the issuance of recovery CCD-RESERV based on antigen test and not only in PCR tests as far this moment.
These advances must follow their regulatory course to consolidate.