The body of the young Esther López, 35, has been found this Saturday after an incessant search that has lasted 25 days, since his family gave the voice of alarm for his disappearance on January 12, in transpinedo (Valladolid)

This is the chronology of the event:

– January 12: Esther López’s family denounces the disappearance of the young woman in the vicinity of her locality, transpined (Valladolid), after going out at night with friends and seeing on television in a bar the Supercopa Party of Spain of
Football between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid.

Your mobile is not operational.
The witnesses place the last area in which it was seen in the environment of the La Mana restaurant.

– January 17: Hundreds of neighbors participate in the first massive whip in search of some clue on their whereabouts, although without results.

– January 22: First stopped by this case, Ramón “El Manitas”, 48, neighbor of the town.
The government delegate in Castilla y León, Virginia Barcones, announces that the Central Operational Unit (UCO) of the Civil Guard is incorporated and takes the reins in the search.

– January 23: The Civil Guard inspects the detainee’s house for testing and incorporates a drone to access the most inaccessible areas of the territory that tracks.

– January 25: Esther’s father, Miguel López, says he maintains “hopes” in which his daughter appears, though “no” that makes him alive.

‘The Handyman’ is welcomed his right not to declare before the 5th Instructional Court of Valladolid, which decides to expand 72 hours the arrest of the detainee.

New trackings are organized on the Douro River by agents of the Sub-Underwater Activities Group (GEAS) and dogs in other areas of the locality.

– January 26: Concludes the inspection in the house of the detainee from which samples are extracted to send to the laboratory.

– January 27: “The Handyman” leaves the hunger strike that began on the 25th of a sign of protest for his arrest.

The Eye Research Team (ECIO) of the Civil Guard inspects the tourism of the detainee, a car that is in dependencies of the Command of the Valladolid Civil Guard.

A drone flies up the area in which Esther López was for the last time, on the outskirts of the population, near the house of the arrested and the vicinity of the restaurant where a friend was supposed to leave that night.

– January 28: Ramón “El Handitas” released after declaring and after six days of detention.
The judge of the Instruction Court number 5 of Valladolid maintains his status as investigated;
He must appear every day before the judicial authority and can not leave Spain.

– JANUARY 29: New Search – The Fourth Fourth – of the Young Woman with Civil Guard Agents, Red Cross Volunteers, Civil Protection and hundreds of transpined neighbors and other locations.
Successfully track the vicinity of the Douro River and the pine forests adjacent to the population.

– January 30: The town hall of transpinedo, with his mayor at his head, Javier Fernández, convene a concentration of support for the Esther family and as a gratitude to the Civil Guard in his search.
It is celebrated under the motto of “Esther, your smile is our hope.”

Miguel López recognizes that they are moments “of very bad anguish, very bad”.

– January 31: The team of underwater activities (GEAS) of the Civil Guard, trained dogs from El Pardo (Madrid) and a series of drones continue with the search.

– February 1: Seprona, geas and trained dogs work to find Esther.

– February 3: Transcends that the Civil Guard has managed to clone Esther’s mobile phone and that his last connection was at 5:30 am at dawn after his disappearance.

It is also known that another neighbor of the town is investigated from which he has not transcended his identity.

– February 5: The Government Delegation in Castile and León reports from the finding of a body a few kilometers from transpinedo (Valladolid).
The judge displaced to the area determines that the corpse corresponds to Esther Lopez.