The United States espionage agencies have declared today that the Russian government is preparing a video to justify a new invasion of Ukraine.
According to Washington, the Government of Vladimir Putin has authorized the filming of a false attack by the Ukrainian armed forces or perhaps from those of NATO countries against the Russian population living in the East of that country.
According to that information, the whole plan has dimensions of a film, with actors and western military material and images of explosions and corpses.
According to the newspaper ‘The Washington Post’, the intelligence services do not rule out that the Moscow Plan includes a true attack on Russian civilians in Ukraine, with dead and injuries, to justify another invasion of the country.

Putin’s plan would be, according to that information, issuing those images as if a real attack would have taken place, which would justify the entry of Russia beyond the territory occupied by Ukraine.
At the moment, Moscow has not responded to the accusations.
Washington has affirmed that the video plan has been approved “by the highest instances of the Russian government,” which points directly to Vladimir Putin.
The fact that the US has disseminated the information about the video is significant, given that revealing details about the activities of a government always jeopardizes the sources that have passed those data.

The use of false attacks has been used on previous occasions by the Russian dictator.
In 1999, a series of attacks with pump against apartment buildings in Moscow caused hundreds of deaths.
Russia hurried to blaze the Islamic integrators of Chechnya, against those who launched an offensive in 2000. The Russian government never authorized an independent investigation of the facts.
In 2008, Russia invaded Georgia after accusing that country to carry out military actions in the South Ossetia region, populated mostly by Russians.
In reality, hostilities had been initiated by the Prorrusse militias of South Ossetia, with support from the Armed Forces of Moscow.

The United States is not innocent either to use this type of tactics.
The most famous occasion was the ‘Gulf of Tokín’, in August 1964, when a non-existent attack of North Vietnam against two American destroyers served as an excuse to justify massive intervention in South Vietnam.