Victoria de Maricalar and Borbón has opened in Seville the 27th edition of Simof, the Flamenca International Fashion Room that returns strongly after the paron in 2021 by the pandemic.

The daughter of Infanta Doña Elena reached Fibes shortly after three o’clock in the afternoon to attend the first of the acts of this room, the tribute to the fashion sector for having been able to resist these years of drought without fairs, my roserias, which
He was in charge of an excited Eva González dressed in a spectacular gown of Victorio & Lucchino.

Victoria has chosen a Loewe gray bag and pants with feathers on one of her knees, Manolo Blahnik shoes and white shirt with indulged sleeve, and with loose mane.

Accompanied by her boyfriend, Jorge Bárcenas, caught by hand, in addition to her friends María García de Jaime and Tomás Páramo.

The three came to Seville on Wednesday, stay at Hotel Colón Gran Meliá, and took advantage of his first night in the city to take the acquaintances in Bodega Antonio Romero, who usually go sometimes when they visit the Andalusian capital.
An establishment that also knew Jorge Bárcenas.

What has been able to know loc is that both the marriage of Mary and Tomás and Victoria itself have charged for going to Simof, although from the organization they say it has been a modest amount for its work as influencers, but at a personal victory level
I was delighted to go to Simof.

According to Loc, Victoria has filed by the Influence Agency I am Olivia.
The young woman, who started her footsteps on Instagram with private profile, some time ago, decided to change it to the public and she has 115,000 followers in this social network.

After witnessing the Pilar Vera parade, the Tape Court took place in charge of the niece of King Felipe VI, accompanied by the mayor of Seville, Antonio Muñoz, and by Raquel Revuelta and Antonio Jiménez (Fibes Manager), SIMOF organizers
“In addition to endless authorities among them several counselors of the Junta de Andalucía.

Soon after, they took a tour of different stands, greeting all their managers, among them, those of the signature aromas or that of Flemenx, in which they had installed some chairs of the April fair to open mouth and to do
The corresponding photo surrounded by airs of fair.

Later, Victoria and his friends watched the parade of my April, the signature of Lourdes Montes, for later getting out of the facilities and going to enjoy Sevillian night.