At 11 days of the elections, the PSOE has used the Government Control session on Wednesday to launch “Carpet Questions” to four socialist ministers so that they can break into the Electoral Campaign of Castilla y León since Congress.

There is a parliamentary tradition by which the party or parties that are part of the executive renounce asking questions to the ministers to leave exclusively in the hands of opposition the constitutional duty to control the government.

However, on this occasion the PSOE has decided to skip this habit and has submitted up to four questions to its own ministers for its profit and to put a carpet so that it can enter the electoral campaign by selling government policies and criticizing those of the Board
de Castilla y León, governed by the PP.
The four issues have been raised by socialist deputies from Castilla y León.

“Thank you very much for your question, Mrs. Seijo, because it allows me to coincide with you …”, has begun to answer the Minister of Education, Pilar Alegría, after receiving one of those calls “Carpet Questions”, which in this case has
Versed on the government’s investment plans for Castilla y León in the year 2022.

“The Board has long ago for the families of Castilla y León than the Government of Spain,” the question was introduced by the socialist deputy by Palencia, Luz Martínez Seijo.

The first to launch his “Carpet question” has been José Luis Aceves, a socialist deputy by Segovia, who has been boycotted in his intervention by the opposition bench, especially from the PP group, who has not stopped interrupting and sabotage him.
The president of the Congress, Meritxell Batet, has had to stop full several times because the noise of the protests made it impossible for him to intervene.
She has been on depopulation and she has served the minister for the ecological transition and the demographic challenge, Teresa Ribera, to presume what the executive is doing in that area.

The other two deputies who have asked have been Manuel Arribas (Ávila), who has addressed a question about pensions in Castilla y León to the Minister of Social Security, José Luis Escrivá;
and David Serradra (Salamanca), who has taken the issue of European Funds to the Minister of the Presidency, Felix Bolaños, who has taken the opportunity to enter with enthusiasm in the electoral campaign: “Are you, gentlemen of the PP, a ballast for Castile
and Leon. […] We are going to show that your project is exhausted. ”