The Second Vice President of the Government and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, burns the desperate his last cartridges in an attempt to attract ERC and Bildu to the validation, tomorrow, of the Decree of Labor Reform, a project that she has negotiated for months with
The Social Agents and who intended to take forward exclusively with the investiture partners.

However, now, in view of the fact that the road that prospers is that of the support of citizens and minority forces, Díaz launches a direct reproach to his allies: “They will have to explain why they vote against recovering rights for workers and
Please maintain the PP reform “.
The second vice president has not hesitated to refer to the positive employment data and indefinite contracts that, in his opinion, are the result of the reform that, via decree, has been in force for a month and that for his survival it must be ratified
Tomorrow for Congress.

Its reproaches have found quick response in the Esquerra spokesperson.
Gabriel Rufián has confirmed that the group of him can not accept without further decree about such an important issue without negotiation.
“We can not move (rejection) because they do not offer us anything, they have presented us a tragala and ERC can not accept it, the responsibility is yours. Here someone has passed braking thinking that we would sign this (the decree of labor reform) as
If they were the tables of Moses. ”

Rufián has insisted that in order to count on the votes of his training they would have to have been seated to negotiate on their demands that are not others that to comply with the entire repeal commitment of the regulations approved by the PP in 2012. “Do not move
Regarding content or guarantees. They only offer us lentils and do not move a coma “.

Yolanda Díaz, angry, has also urged the PP to vote tomorrow in favor of the reform decree if, as the popular, the norm agreed by unions and entrepreneurs “does not change anything”.
The Vice President has spleen the reproaches of the general secretary of the PP, Teodoro García Aegea, a data cataract on job creation, benefited by the ERTE and indefinite contracts and has taken advantage to demand the first party of the opposition that “leave
Make propaganda “and support government efforts.

The second vice president has been today the undisputed protagonist of a control session that has not attended the president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, visiting Arab Emirates, nor the leader of the PP, Pablo Married.

The focus has been placed on it when 24 hours are missing so that the Decree of Labor Reform is subject to the scrutiny of the Congress and be, except for a last minute surprise, approved with the votes of the Training of Francadas and a wide range of small formations
, but not with the main investiture partners who have been at all times their goal.

On this question, the leader of citizens has also been pronounced minutes before the control session was started in the camera.
Arranged has assumed that the decree of labor reform will be ratified tomorrow “without changes” with the vote of its training.
“It will be the triumph of sensibly,” she said.

The First Vice President of the Government, Nadia Calviño, has also been paid by the opposition to the account of rectifications that on its economic forecasts have made different international and national organizations.
The INE has been the last.
For this reason, the Parliamentary spokesperson of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, has urged it to give explanations and to clarify if it continues to maintain its forecast of economic growth by 7% for 2022.

The question has been somedized by the Vice President, taking hold of good employment growth data, he has said, a month he took the decree of labor reform in force.
Calviño has insisted that Spain is embarked on a “just and sustainable economic recovery process”.

For the PP, the forecasts of the Number Two of the Government are typical of a “Pitonisa” that should “resign” if the European Commission returns to disavowed its economic forecasts.
Gamarra has ruled out that there is an intense growth and just recovery, as the executive.
“We are not for triumphalisms when we have the highest unemployment rate of the EU and youth unemployment and when many families can not ignite the heating by 72% rise on the light invoice and inflation is at 7%
“He has replicated the popular deputy.

The first vice president, however, has emphasized that the levels of employment prior to the pandemic have been recovered and has urged the PP to support the labor reform and the recovery plan.
“Sugante to the car,” she has asked her.