Pedro Castillo has been trying to close the last government crisis with the express appointment of a cabinet that has lost its main heavy weights, starting with the expremier, Mirtha Vásquez.
At the lead, a surprise: Deputy Hector Valer, so controversial that very few believe in Peru that he will stabilize an administration marked by chaos, improvisation and corruption shadows.

Since it was elected last year in the ranks of the right-wing popular renovation, Valer has starred a traffic transfugation at full speed.
Like Jorge Vestrynge (from the People’s Popular Alliance of Manuel Fraga to the ideological territories of we can) but in a few months.
A record

The first leap in this legislature was carried out at the centrist positions of We are Peru-Party purple, but not in accordance with acrobatics, Valer took advantage of the excision of the free Peru official (PL), to join the leftists of Peru Democratic, commanded by Guillermo
Prior to the elections of 2021 he had militated in four different matches.

Thanks to the new ideological affinity with its democratic Peru colleagues, Valer assumed without blinking his thesis on the need to proclaim a Constituent Assembly to draft a new Constitution, the main claim of PL and its Secretary General, Vladimir Cerron.

Valer is known for his vehemence and his sub-tone statements, which have led him to visit the Congress Ethics Commission.
The newspaper El Comercio also confirmed that the new Prime Minister, the third in only six months of the Presidency of Castillo, also maintains debts with the public treasure.

“From the Government we maintain the commitment to work for Peru, prioritizing the needs of all Peruvians and the great reforms that consolidate national well-being,” said Castillo after the swearing of a cabinet in which only eight ministers repeat and ten are new

Both the resigned Vásquez as Avelino Guillén, former interior, as well as the general secretary general of the presidency have coincided in pointing out the immense power of the advisors surrounding Castillo, many of them from their Natal Cajamarca.
A “cabinet in the shadow”, as defined by the expremier.
All this with the inaction or the presidential complicity, which has caused that he is also pointed out in several cases of corruption.

One of the main absences of the new government is that of Pedro Francke, an economic responsible until yesterday.
“I trust that the new management continues the reforms barely started and that the new cabinet works committed to strengthen the fight against corruption,” Francke said goodbye, one of the great guilty of the economic stability he reigned during the half year of the
new administration.

His management was criticized and combated from the first day on the radical left of PL, even Cerron was invented the term “caviar” to define Francke and other progressives.

The Chancellor Oscar Maútau also disappears from the third cabinet, which had consolidated an international position of Peru away from the attempts of Cerron to align his country with the three dictatorships of the continent.