Finding the authenticity of a story should be the dream of any black novel writer.
Knowing that this fiction could really be a case of the many that happen in reality and become an antithesis of the literary genre called ‘True Crime’, a publishing and audiovisual phenomenon, which does not cease to be the novelization of an event the more
Time better.
Therefore, Xus González is clear.
“What I am looking for is that if a policeman reads the novel think: ‘He is a policeman and has reflected our day to day’. If in other novels it is prioritized the plot or the fact that the police are perfect, it is another kind of novel
Not what I want to write. I want to write a novel in which it looks reflected everything I live every day. ”

In his novel ‘a clean job’ (Reservoir Books), Xus González (Terrassa 1978) shows that he knows police work like nobody.
The activity of it within research units of the Mossos d’Esquadra ,.
Specializing in violent assaults on homes, he has allowed him to be climbing novels but without leaving the human side of the agents, with his problems to reconcile family life or work and conflicts with heads or colleagues who do not fall well
Come on, as it happens to any worker in his office or work environment that he should deal with the people around him to move forward the tasks he has assigned without leaving personal concerns, like family, on one side.

It is not different in the case of the police and so what the author wanted to make clear in this work, which goes beyond the narration of a police case.
“In the novel I show our day to day and we are not Robocop, what happens to us, one who has just been to work without sleeping or the difficulties to reconcile, for example, I want that reality in my novels?
, the relationship with the colleagues, if you take better or worse with your boss, if there may be people with more or less aspirations that pretend to make merits, how it conditions us to work family concerns or time schedules. Just like in others
Works, “says González.

That’s why your characters are full of nuances, just like people who work for hours at cruise, in Turnos tomorrow, afternoon or night, and that if a case is presented, they do not hesitate to take more time than necessary, even if it means parking
Personal life
“Many times we think that the policeman is a person, delivered to 100% in his work, who does not complain, who is always investigating and is a profession like any other, with people who get tired, who wants to leave with the family
Home or who has problems, “explains the author who has humanized his protagonists so that the reader understands the difficulties of agents when facing the cases.
He details that it is not a profession of ‘solitary wolves’ as novels or especially the cinema and the series have wanted to show to make it more attractive to the public but it is important teamwork and the methodology used by researchers to solve crimes

But it also shows the authenticity of the story in the description and depth of the criminals that appear in the novel since “it is not bad people in themselves, they have their reasons.”
In this sense, and since it could not be otherwise, he points out that police work is the main source of inspiration from him to tell the stories that appear in the books of him, not only for the plot but also by the characters that
He describes.
“When you investigate and do telephone interventions, with listening or follow-up and surveillances to suspects you get to know a person a lot, you know how you relate to your family, with your superiors in the organization and those below, or with the
Friends and you are knowing all their prisms. There comes a time that I feel what will do or not, “explains Xus González to detail as that privacy can be a literary point.

“It is easier for me to get into the head of a policeman, since I am a policeman but it is an exercise to understand the criminals, people are not bad in themselves. A person can delete and call that ‘work’, as I have
heard in phone calls from a son who talks about as his father ‘goes to work every night’ When he is going to steal, “says the author who considers that” it is basic for a policeman to be empathetic “not only with the victim, before anyone else
, or with the witnesses, but also with the criminals since each one “has its circumstances” and sometimes “the social reintegration is very complicated in the environment in which the crime is something usual, it is a more or the only option.”

A robbery to a bank branch in a quiet city is complicated until it ended up in a shooting that leaves wounded and many questions.
That is the starting point of ‘a clean work’ in which all the police investigation of the Mossos d’esquadra is narrated to gather any indication that takes you to the thieves but also that no one is what it seems, with constant turves
script and a latent frame of police corruption based on the ‘narcoasalos’ to marijuana traffickers.
And it is that Xus González takes us by the hand on a journey through the periphery of Barcelona, full of industrial buildings and forgotten neighborhoods, in which a parallel reality reminds us that the dark side is not so far away.
The issue of revenge is also very present in the book to make it clear that each character acts with own logic, even if it is charged with moral Bester.

The novel fictions a reality that knows very well the author and is that Spain has become the epicenter of marijuana production and distribution in recent years.
Seizures have been triggered to traffickers of this drug by the bodies and security forces and more and more there are more operations in plantations, abroad and interior, which with little infrastructure get a broad benefit, since the price of
Marijuana is more expensive the more you get away from the Pyrenees.
“I have used a type of current crime to show the problem with all the money and influence that moves and as can impregnate the police world” explains the author, besides making no clear that nobody is safe from temptations: “It’s a matter of
Greed and need, of people who have low moral indices or are going down and the temptation is there. When they have that greedy need they give the step “although it clarifies that” it does not usually happen. ”

As a policeman he knows that “you have the power that society gives you to serve and protect, to the citizen and enforce the laws. It is not a power with you can do what you want, you have your limitations, but if someone does not see those limits or
He jumps and checks that nothing happens and continues and continues there is really the problem. ”

However, the author points out that he has his limits at the time of writing as it is to narrate situations similar to those lived in his work experience in which the victims have suffered a lot.
“I would not use it to have a plot, there are people who deserve respect, although you change things and do not put names, if the essence is the same I do not want to take advantage of that” explains Xus González who details that they are the “incongruities of the system that you
They take to think “to narrate.

‘A clean work’ is the second novel of the author who published the first nine years ago.
It will not be the last, since he prepares new projects with the publisher.
At the moment, this Bachelor of Environmental Sciences and Audiovisual Communication that entered the Body of Mossos d’Esquadra in 2004 and since 2006 is an advanced research agent in the Division of Criminal Research, continues with its daily activity to pursue criminals.
A work that is passionate about him like telling cases in fiction and that is why he’s books are so full of authenticity.