The judge investigating the Dina case has been completed by research without finally being called to declare as imputed to the Former Vice President of the Government Pablo Iglesias.
Magistrate Manuel García Castellón has dictated this Thursday a car in which he argues that it is not necessary to practice any new diligence beyond those that had already been agreed upon.
The term of research, therefore, will expire this Saturday, January 29, as requested by anti-corruption.

The car arrives after the scientific police have given the judge a report on which he explains that it is not possible to obtain information from the memory card that was on the phone that stole Dina Bousselham when he was a church adviser.
The performance of the welcome leader was under suspicion, since when he was later he was sent to him that card was delayed months until he delivered it to the owner of him.
And when he did it, the content was no longer accessible, although according to the investigation could be consulted when he received it.

The possibility of taking responsibility for churches from the damage to the digital support went by obtaining data on when and how the SD minitar has been damaged, something that according to the expert arrival this week to the audience has not been possible.

Thus, the last diligences that the judge practiced are the interrogations already agreed upon by Bousselham herself, his partner at the time of the robbery, and the former Deputy Director of the police (DAO) Eugenio Pino.
In that list there was not a new statement of churches, this time as accused.

Neither the content of the expert nor of those interrogations foresees the judge who emerges the need to continue instructing the case.
“The need for any subsequent diligence from the merit report, is not expected, nor is expected that from the statements that are given to be practiced, the need to analyze any other way of research arises, so it is estimated that, after practice
Of such diligence – which, we reiterate, have already been agreed, “the instruction would be completed,” he says.

The Bousselham will not be the first appearance against García Castellón, before which he already testified extensively.
That statement revealed that churches had retained the card and that it did not work when he returned it.
In subsequent writings, Bousselham has tried to exonerate churches from any responsibility in its destruction.

The judge ended up sending the investigation into the Supreme Court to impute at the time ascoach churches.
The High Court considered insufficient material and agreed that the judge continued to practice proceedings such as the already completed expert or the interrogations still pending.

When these statements conclude, the judge must dictate the resolution indicating against who sees signs of sufficient crime to go to trial.
In the case there are only three charged: the José Manuel Villarejo retired commissioner and two interviú journalists who are responsible for delivering the memory card at the time Active Commissioner.