The Russian Foreign Minister says that Russia does not want the war with Ukraine.
Serguei Lavrov spoke this morning about the answer to the security proposals he has received from the United States.
For the head of Russian diplomacy, the US response to security proposals made by Moscow does not contain a “positive reaction” to the main issue: the non-expansion of NATO to the East and the non-deployment by the Alliance of
Missiles who can threaten Russia.

Minister Lavrov stressed that “if it depends on Moscow, there will be no war.”
“We do not want the war, but we will not allow our interests to be ignored,” he said.
“We have received Western, Blurry-style answers,” he added, referring to the answers received this NATO Wednesday and the Russian proposals of security guarantees.

Moscow believes that the proposals of the United States are better than the proposals received from NATO.
Now President Vladimir Putin will decide how to respond to that offer.

Lavrov assured can not say that the conversations with the West have finished.
He in fact he hopes to meet with the Secretary of State of the United States, Antony Blinken, in the next two weeks.