Pedro Sánchez moves pawns in the endeavored game of chess in which labor reform has become.
The ultimatum that Thursday launched the investiture partners -ERC, Bildu and BNG plus the CUP- presenting a catalog of “basic, priority and trunk” lawsuits that would turn around as a sock to the text agreed by the government with the unions and
Entrepreneurs, has accelerated parallel plans that Moncloa maintained so far in the reserve.

While the Second Vice President, Yolanda Díaz, is still committed to his negotiation attempts to approve, with the leftist, labor reform, the president of the Government has activated its terminals in the Executive and the Congress of the
Deputies to cement an alternative route, which revolves around the support of citizens plus the minority formations of the Chamber.

Sánchez maintains its three premises inferable: Do not touch a coma of the text agreed by social agents, not commit to subsequent negotiations that review the agreement and not accept its processing as a bill.
In short, blinding any possibility of introducing modifications.

On that track, the Minister of the Presidency, Felix Bolaños, and the Parliamentarian spokesperson, Héctor Gómez work.
“The reform has to leave yes or yes and without modifications,” recalcan from socialist ranks.
Bolaños has already kept a contact with the spokesperson for citizens, Edmundo Bal, and he will have a conversation with him next week to “confirm” the support of the nine vows of orange training to the decree of labor reform without changes.

At the same time, Gómez intensifies his dialogue with the groups to work the ground at the support of the largest possible number of formations, emphasizing the minority parties, many of which tilted between the Yes and the abstention.
Tilt this balance towards the affirmative vote is essential.

The majority partner of the government continues, despite the order of its investiture allies, launching a message of optimism.
Bolaños leaves the accounts.
They are not definitive and therefore will tighten the accelerator in the coming days, but they do consider them feasible.

Namely, it is about adding PSOE and we can (154 votes), the votes of citizens (nine), UPN (two), New Canary Islands, Canarian Coalition (One), Teruel exists (one), PRC (one
) and PDECAT (four).
With these formations it would reach 173 supports that could reach 177 if it is added to the deputy Pablo Cambronero who left the CS group, but usually voting even the oranges, plus the three seats of more country and commitments.

In the Socialist Group there is also the hope that these accounts make “reflecting” ERC and accept at least refrain in the validation vote of the Royal Decree next Thursday.

At the moment, the Government has not tied the vote of PNV and almost occurs already for lost because Basque nationalists demand at least retouching the Covenant to prevail the autonomic agreements on statements.
It is an impossible demand to satisfy not only because the employers are opposed, but because it would annul any possibility of having the support of CS, a group that has crossed this request for “Legal Heresy”.

More doubts exist in the Government on the possibility of having to end by processing the decree as a bill.
There, any of the formations willing to validate the Standard could bet on this option that opens the door that the Congress Groups introduce in the same modifications via Amendment.

However, if so, the two games of the Government Coalition, which have a majority at the Congress table, always remains for the recourse of parliamentary filibusterism, consisting of extending week after week the deadlines for presenting amendments without landing
In the debate and vote of them, so that the possibilities of changing the text are de facto frozen.