A man has died on the morning of this Saturday after declaring a fire in a house of As Neves (Pontevedra) who has left four other people injured, among them, the woman and the two sons of the deceased, in addition to an agent of the guard

The event took place in the morning this Saturday in a house of OS Street, as far as four patrols of the Civil Guard were mobilized after receiving the notice minutes before 08.00 hours.

The agents managed to rescue a woman and two children, who were on the balcony of housing asking for help.
The male was removed from the inside of the house, which died at the point despite the maneuvers practiced by health professionals.

The mother and the children were evacuated to the Álvaro Cunqueiro hospital in Vigo, where they remain admitted.
The woman is found in the ICU in a serious but stable state and children in plant with lower consideration wounds.

It is a family of Moroccan origin that resided in a rental regime in the house for a year, as the mayor of As Neves, Xosé Manuel Rodríguez Méndez.

Likewise, one of the agents of the Civil Guard who participated in the device was also derived to Vithas Hospital Fatima with a smoke inhalation poisoning chart.

The causes of the fire are being investigated by the forces of order.
The house has been tapacious by the professionals of the AS Neves City Council, who has enabled provisional housing for the family.