The maximum responsible for vaccination against Coronavirus in New Zealand, Astrid Koornneef, has ensured that the Ministry of Health is investigating whether, as Stuff has advanced, a man has received up to 10 doses of the vaccine in a single day.
According to that means, he would have passed through several people in different vaccination centers and would have received money for it.

“We are taking this matter very seriously, we are very concerned about this situation and we are following the opportune actions,” Koornef confirmed.

The director of the Immunization Program has said that the receiver of these doses should seek medical advice and has also stated that such behavior not only implies a risk to him.

“It is a danger to the person who has passed by another, and also for which he will have a document that reflects that he has been vaccinated but he has not done it, it is a risk to his friends and for the community.”

And it has added that you can also problems in the health care of those involved because “doctors operate in a high confidence environment and depend on the good faith of people to help them with their treatments.”

For its part, the expert in Vaccines Helen Petousis-Harri, cited by the Middle RNZ, has pointed out the consequences for the person who has repeatedly injected.
“Elevates the risk not only of side effects, but of serious effects,” she said, although she has not materialized what consequences could be involved for her health.

The New Zealand authorities have not provided details on where and when these facts have been produced that are being investigated.