The popular group in the Congress of the Deputies has demanded on Saturday the comprehension in the lower House of the Minister of Justice, Pilar Llop, to give explanations about the Government’s performance in the processing of the partial pardon to Juana Rivas.

This petition occurs after Friday, the Penal Court number 1 of Granada refused to suspend the execution of the penalty imposed on Juana Rivas, condemned to one year and three months in prison for the subtraction of his two minor children in the summer
of 2017.

Judge Manuel Piñar algae, in a self dated on December 9, which Rivas, whose sentence after the pardon has been reduced to a year and three months in prison, “has not shown repentance.”
For the magistrate, “the absence of repentance and the subsequent repetition of the same behavior indicates a predisposition to commit the same crime again.”

Likewise, the judge in the car also affects “the danger that for minors would mean the full freedom of the mother”, pointing to assumptions “signs of sexual abuse to one of the minors when they were under his custody.”

After knowing this car, the PP has submitted an application for the appearance of LLOP at the Congressional Justice Commission, signed by the spokesman for the PP in the lower House, Cuca Gamarra, in which he asks for explanations about the pardon to the Mother of Maracene

“The pardon politician to Juana Rivas: At the instance of the Minister of Justice. Reasons of justice and equity. In accordance with the information consisting of the file. Viewed reports of the sentencer court. In view of the car, we demand urgent appearance of the
Minister Ya “, has written on a Gamarra Tit.