The Prosecutor’s Office of the Supreme Court has extended the open research proceedings on King Emeritus, according to fiscal sources to the world.

High Court prosecutors had asked for days ago to Dolores Delgado lengthen six months more research against Don Juan Carlos de Borbón despite the fact that the archival decree of preprocessal diligences, which will sign in the next weeks the Fiscal Lieutenant of High Court Juan Ignacio
Fields and prosecutor Chief Anti-corruption Alejandro Luzon, is in advanced drafting state.
The Attorney General has granted the one that will be predictably the last extension of these diligences.

As this newspaper revealed, the Public Ministry considers that the tax regularizations carried out by the monarch were “spontaneous” and “voluntaries”.

In addition, prosecutors will give up presenting a complaint against the king because the presumptive facts would have been committed while Juan Carlos I was inviolable or would be prescribed.

However, the researcher team is waiting to receive an answer from the last Rogeic Committee on Switzerland where data from the Zagatka Foundation were requested, belonging to Álvaro de Orleans, and from where they were suffered for more than a decade, gifts and private trips
of the monarch

Specifically, Lieutenant Fiscal Campos went for the last time to the Canton prosecutor of Ginebra Yves Betossa to request the accrediting documentation of “All the Bank Accounts of the Zagatka Foundation, as well as the movements made from them in the 2014 Exercises.
, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 “, that is, during the period in which the monarch stopped being inviolable when leaving the head of the State.

The Public Ministry wants to check the “veracity” of the tax returns submitted by Juan Carlos de Borbón, “as well as the existence of other bank accounts and transfers of funds” by the emeritus.

Juan Carlos I is being investigated by crimes of money laundering, fiscal fraud, bribery and trafficking of influences.

The wait for response from the Helvetic country, together with the desire not to interfere with Felipe VI Christmas speech, has come to Dolores Delgado to extend these diligence again.