The Second Vice President of the Government, Yolanda Díaz, has affirmed this Thursday that he was accused of “alarmist” when, “on the anteroom on March 8” of 2020, he presented as a minister of work a “guide” for companies on how to approach the coronavirus
, who already “strongly whipped” Italy.

This has been expressed by Díaz after being asked by this episode, occurred a few days after the contagion in Spain to shoot and the state of alarm was decreed, and who faced the government’s bosom on the eve of the celebration of International Women’s Day celebration
Some mobilizations that she invited to go to the executive himself, who defended Spain was still in “containment phase”.

“On February 15, as the pandemic already whipped Italy, I convoke my team because it was conviction that Italy is Spain and, therefore, we had the need to deploy a lot of measures because we saw what was going to happen”
, He explained Diaz in an interview given to radiochable.

“It’s so much,” the Vice President has continued, “that on March 4 I presented a guide that was greatly controversial in the government and also outside, was accused of being an alarmist … Anyway. This was in the anteroom of the
March 8”.

Díaz has recalled this found after being asked by the internal tensions of the government coalition.
“My role is not easy,” the United States leader has admitted in the Government, which in March 2020 was accused of invading competences from the Ministry of Health and in recent weeks it has accentuated its differences with economic vice president, Nadia Calviño.
, on behalf of the labor reform.

At the beginning of March 2020, Moncloa distributed a statement in which it unauthorized the guide drafted by the Diaz team: “The indications on the evolution of Coronavirus and the measures to be taken in Spain are coordinated by the Ministry of Health in Total Coordination between
the different administrations of the state “.

The manual was also rejected by the socialist sector of the government.
The then Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, reduced its content to a “compilation” of recommendations, and the minister spokesman at that time, María Jesús Montero, insisted that all the indications that split from the Government in relation to the Coronavirus “would have to be
Under the umbrella of the Ministry of Health “.

Finally, the work minister itself changed his discourse after the controversy emerged within the government.
She went to consider it a “compilation” and transmitted calm to citizenship: “Let’s be cautious, nothing is happening.”

The Minister of Working did not participate in the marches for the International Women’s Day 2020. This date is, for the opposition, the moment in which the contagion shoots.
Just five days later, the government of Pedro Sánchez announced the state of alarm, which was lengthened until mid-June.

In one of the main demonstrations, in Madrid, a good part of the Council of Ministers participated, which in the previous days had encouraged participation by fulfilling the rules dictated by health: Carmen Calvo, Arancha González Laya, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, Isabel Celaá,
Nadia Calviño and Carolina Darias.
By the United Sector, we can attend the Minister of Equality, Irene Montero.

Yolanda Díaz, however, called “claiming the rights” of this day “doing different things” and invited to manifest itself “creatively”.
“We are in a pandemic and the main thing is public health,” she said a few days before 8-M, and asked for “an exercise of responsibility”.