With cases identified in the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and Belgium, the concern for the new variant omicron of Coronavirus increases in the old continent, while accentuating the isolation of several countries of South Africa.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced a hardening of entry measures in him.
Spain too.
Anyone who arrives in the UK, comes from where he comes from, he will have to undergo a testpcr and remain isolated until obtaining the result.
In addition, the mask will be mandatory in shops.

Total figures: 5,131,012 cases of coronavirus confirmed with diagnostic test of active infection;
There have been 87,955 dead with positive test to November 26, 2021.

N Group of 12 Vallisoletans, including the Councilor of Education, Childhood Youth and Equality of the City Council of Valladolid, Victoria Soto, stays stuck in Johannesburg (South Africa), after the Swiss company Swiss has denied their flight back to Spain,
It was planned for a previous scale in Zurich and, as well as other companies such as the German Lufthansa, it has decided to transport only nationals on their flights and prevents access to “traffic” travelers.

As it has been able to know Europe Press, the group of Vallisoletanos, who had South Africa on a leisure trip, has known this situation through an email from the Swiss company, which has reported the cancellation of bills after the countries
From the European Union, they have agreed on Friday to prohibit flights from departure or destination to South Africa and six other African countries for fear that the new variant of Coronavirusb.1.1.529 (known as ÓMICRON) is propagated by those routes.