The afternoon of February 6, 2018 Eduardo Morente came decided to the Hospital of the Line of Conception (Cádiz) to force his uncle, Samuel Crespo, a well-known local drug trafficker who had suffered a motorcycle accident after jumping a control

Crespo, knowing that about him weighed three orders of detention and income in prison because during a penitentiary permit he had not returned to prison, and aware that he was still aimed at his sentence, he was given to the
Fugue and the agents began to pursue him.
The narco fell from the bike during the persecution, he was injured in one leg and ended up arrested.

Before taking it to the police station, a couple of national police moved it to the hospital center to cure the wounds.
And up there he went his own to the rescue of him.
Because Samuel Crespo was not any narco: he belongs to the clan of ‘the chestnuts’, the nickname for which Antonio Badger and Francisco Badger is known, considered by the police for the greatest hash traffickers of the Strait of Gibraltar.

The nephew of Samuel Crespo did not act alone.
Eduardo Morente was accompanied by a group of about 11 people.
Most covered their faces with hoods.
On 15.39 hours of that day, Eduardo burst in a surprise and violent manner in the Hospital Healing Room where a nurse and an auxiliary attended him.
Eduardo hit a punch in one eye on one of the two agents who guarded the detainee.
The partner also received several blows from other hooded.

The assailants immobilized the policemen.
Afterwards, between five people took Samuel Crespo, who managed to stay a fugitive of justice for three and a half months.
He was stopped on May 27, 2018 at a rural hotel in Jimena de la Frontera (Cádiz).
He was accompanied by another member of the clan of the chestnuts, David A., nicknamed the dye, and of powerful Italian mafia from the Calabrian ndragreta.

The end of that episode in the hospital of the line has just been met.
On October 28, 2021, the seventh section of the provincial audience of Cádiz condemned Eduardo Morente by that assault to free the uncle of him.
In the sentence, to which the world has had access, the Court imposes a penalty of two years and three months of prison to the nephew by a crime of violent liberation of detainees in a medial contest with a crime of attack on agents of the
Authority, and by two minor crimes of injuries.

However, the audience absolves all the charges to the other four defendants and admits that no one has been identified from the group “of approximately 12 people” who assaulted the hospital.
During the trial, Morente was the only one of the five defendants who admitted part of the facts, but denied that the assailants would have been coordinated after knowing the detention of the uncle of him and that he had stuck to one of the two policemen.

The now condemned explained to the court that he went to the hospital room where his uncle was found after hearing him complain.
He pointed out that he does not know who finally took Samuel Crespo, who disappeared after riding a vehicle that awaited him on the street.

During the trial, the internal security videos of the hospital were viewed.
Eduardo Morente is recognized in them, says the sentence.
Regarding the other four defendants who sat on the bench, the ruling applies the in Dubio Pro Reo (in case of doubt, act in favor of the accused) given the lack of solid incriminating evidence against them.

The Prosecutor’s Office asked for 13 years in prison for the five defendants.
Finally, the seventh section of the provincial audience of Cádiz only sentenced Morente.
The Court imposed the nephew of the Narco rescued a prison sentence of two years and three months in prison and a fine of 3,600 euros for the aggression against the police.

Anyway, Samuel Crespo is located in semilibertad for now a year ago.
On November 25, 2020, the Judge of Penitentiary Surveillance María del Carmen Orenes granted himself the third degree in response to an appeal presented by the defense of him and despite the opposition of the prosecution.
Since then, the process of social reintegration continues on the street.
He works – or he should do it – in a metallic carpentry company of an industrial estate on the outskirts of the line.