Pedro Sánchez is the first president of the government sanctioned by the Central Electoral Board, the first to resort to the Supreme Court, the first to be convicted of costs and the first to pay for money to the main opposition party for having breached the electoral law.

The PSOE leader has subscribed 2,420 euros to the PP after having lost its appeal against the sanction that the Electoral Board imposed on it.
The case started from a complaint of the popular by making election campaign in 2019 from the Moncloa, something forbidden by law.
The documentation to which the world has agreed, accredits the payment of compensation, that the Pablo Married team will allocate beneficial works.

Sánchez has not been the only one who has had to pay the costs to the PP.
The former spokesman of the Government Isabel Celaá has already made another transfer to the popular ones for the same value, 2,420 euros, based on the Minutes presented by the Genoa lawyers.
The former Minister of Education also sanctioned the Electoral Board, in the case of it, to enhance the achievements of the Government from the Press Room La Moncloa, a use contrary to the standards in electoral period.

In both cases, the greatest punishment is the reputational and symbolic, beyond the amount they have had to pay from their pockets.
That both a government president and a former minister have to go through the drink of gratifying the main opposition party and the electoral arbitrator as a final result of illegal behavior is a blur on its institutional services sheet.

In a decree dictated by the Law of Justice Administration María del Pilar Molina, the Contentious-Administrative Hall of the Supreme Court agreed on September 8 to rate the costs in favor of the PP.
The President subscribed to the Procurator and the main party of the parliamentary opposition received them on October 27, through a transfer made from Banco Santander.

In the case of Celaá, the payment occurred on November 11 and became effective last Monday 15. In addition, the Secretary General of the Socialist Party must pay another 2,000 euros of the costs to the Central Electoral Board, against which he also resorted,

What happened for Sánchez and Celaá to take the Agency to the Supreme who presides over Miguel Colmenero and the PP?
The institution that sails for compliance with the regulations in the electoral periods opened sanctioning file to the Government President – then in functions – for its electoral use of the Moncloa for an interview as a PSOE candidate granted on Friday, October 25 to the sixth,
On the occasion of the exhumation of the dictator Francisco Franco.
This violated “the principle of neutrality” of the public powers in the electoral period, as convinced by the magistrates of the Electoral Board.

The body multightened with 500 euros to Sánchez “attending the circumstances surrounding the interview, as well as the fact that an apercaibity” had already been carried out in recent date “so that” refrained from violating the principle of neutrality “, based on basis
to the Electoral Law.
That is, for being a repeat.
In addition, it forced the Government to withdraw the transcript from the Moncloa website interview, since this contravened Article 50.2 of the Organic Law of the Electoral Regime.

What did Sánchez say so that the Board would give a step as symbolic as a fine of the executive head?
The interview contained “several demonstrations with electoral connotation”, at the gates of the general elections of November 10, 2019, the last celebrated.

For example: “The problem is not if you are going to win the PSOE for more or at least. We need a broad parliamentary majority that guarantees the stability to be able to carry out all the problems that lie ahead. And that is not going to be able to address if
What in the end wins is the blockade and a parliamentary fragmentation that has led precisely on April 28 [date of the previous generals] to see each other aboccated an electoral repetition. ”

Or this other appeal as little evened as partisan: “It is very important to mobilize us, that is why it is very important, above all, that indecisive people are very aware that next November 10 we have to answer a simple question, and
It is if we want Spain to advance or continue to fall into the block. ”

The latter was an obvious appeal – let’s recommend, from the Moncloa- to the useful vote to the PSOE, after Sánchez had not arrived in summer an agreement with Pablo Iglesias to form a coalition executive next to United Can we, as it ended up.
48 hours after the electoral repetition.

In the ruling in which he dismissed Pedro Sánchez’s appeal against the PP, the Supreme recalled that the Electoral Board had already warned all the members of the Executive that they should not break the neutrality of spaces and public powers.
That is, he had warned them that he could fine them.

That warning included that “an interview was not posted on an institutional website for an electoral period for a private television at the Palace of La Moncloa,” as the socialist executive did.

There are no history of opening of file to a member of the Government of Spain, much less to the President.
Everything had always been left in warnings and thrusters, but, this time, because of the reiteration of the breaches, it was passed to the sanctions.

In fact, that same day another file was initiated to the Minister Spokesman for the electoral use of the Press Conference of the Council of Ministers.
And the sanction of it was quite greater than that of the president: 2,200 euros.

The PSOE wants to accelerate the negotiations to renew the General Council of the Judicial Power (CGPJ) and has already proposed a formula to the PP to try to unlock the Covenant.
The team that Capitanite the Minister of the Presidency, Felix Bolaños, has proposed to the popular – with Teodoro García Aegea to the head – the creation of a “negotiating table” to address possible changes in the legal system of election of the vowels of the vowels of the

Socialist Sources ensure that the idea is that it is already renewed – in December, to be, and with the current model – the dome of the Judicial Power and, a posteriori, this space of dialogue is created to address the proposal that the judges are
Choose between them.
However, PP sources replicate that there is still nothing, which will only accept a legal reform already launched and discard that there is pact before 2022.

The vox dome is closely following the struggle between Isabel Díaz Ayuso and the national direction of the PP.
In the team of Santiago Abascal believe that this crisis can decant to a part of the electorate towards Vox, but they also fear that the hostilities of PP Minen expectations of Pablo married to a point where both formations do not add the majority.
“From every 10 they lose, maybe we only take us seven,” exemplify privately.

Precisely, in Madrid is where those of Abascal have learned a key lesson for Andalusia: avoid “another Ayusazo”.
That is, take advantage of the internal crisis of PP to fish in that electorate in dispute.
And that is something that further closer to Macarena Olona towards the Andalusian candidacy of Vox, although the decision is not taken.