Before opening it, the melon of autonomic financing already threatens with indigestion.
The complexity to renew the current model, expired since 2014, has derived in alliances between the Autonomous Communities, grouped based on common interests to add forces before the next negotiation that is expected when in the coming weeks the Ministry of Hacienda will reach the
Autonomies The base proposal on the population criteria to negotiate the new distribution.

This Tuesday, in Santiago de Compostela, eight communities of three different political colors meet to combine a common position with the purpose of signing a joint statement that sets the principles they consider key to negotiate the new financing model.
“With the new financing model we played the state model we want,” expose from the Government of Asturias.
“If we want one based on solidarity and equity or the competition to see who raises more.”

“Financing is radical and manifestly insufficient for all, or very radical measures are taken from the point of view of financing or a point is going to arrive directly in which the communities will not be able to provide services such as health, education or
Social services. In that we are all agree, “warns Javier Lamban, president of Aragon.

From Castilla-La Mancha explain that by 2022 they will allocate 18 million euros a day to finance these basic services.
“This is not paid alone, that’s why we need fair funding,” expose.

Together with Asturias (PSOE), Castilla-La Mancha (PSOE) and Aragón (PSOE), to the appointment Acuen Galicia (PP) who exercises as hostess, Cantabria (PRC), La Rioja (PSOE), Castilla y León (PP)
and Extremadura (PSOE).
This G-8 seeks to make strength so that the interests of Spain depopulated have strength in negotiation against the most populated regions.

Its requirement to the Government is that the criterion that prevails when it comes to distributing the money between the regions is that of the real cost of public services.
That is, that the Executive prioritizes that the most depopulated regions have a per capita cost for providing services higher than that of other more populated regions.

“We have 13 times fewer students than Madrid, but we spend more on school transport because some, directly, have to take them by taxi. This is the great key that financing should address: that basic services are spoken where it is alive
“They expose from the Executive of Cantabria.
“HERE If you live more than a kilometer and a half school you already have school transport, we maintain rural schools with four students to avoid depopulation. And that has a high cost,” they complete from the Asturian government.

“We leave aside the ideological considerations to incorporate elements that are objective from the territorial perspective,” says Emiliano García-page, president of Castilla-La Mancha.
The Socialist Baron shows its conviction that on Tuesday the eight-term territorial leaders who meet a document that will mean a clear message to the Government so that “help us maintain, among all, which means that we all have the same right and the
Same equality before education and health “.

This G-8 was reactivated at the end of September, after the summit in Seville, which starred in the Socialist Ximo Puig, president of the Valencian Community, and the popular Juanma Moreno Bonilla, president of Andalusia.
The alarms were turned on.
Both claim that the criterion that counts for autonomic financing is the one of the adjusted population.

These meetings do not like the government, which twists the gesture to see how alliances that transcend the ideology and sow agreements between PP and PSOE leaders.
The Socialist Party tried to set a common position of its autonomies, but a meeting two weeks ago in Ferraz ended up in failure, as the barons warned, and showed the impossibility of having a single voice in this matter as the Moncloa and Hacienda wanted.

“The morning meeting – today – reflects the difficulty in achieving an agreement on this matter. Some communities defend a criterion, other others and no one waits for their proposals for maximums. This is impossible,” explain in the Government.

“Balearic Islands has punctual problems of overpopulation that generate pressure on their health system and other regions suffering from depopulation put on the table the cost of giving health coverage to an aging and dispersed population. And the two are right,” they point out in Finance.

In the coming weeks, it is expected to present the communities on the base document on the population criterion that should govern the distribution of money to start negotiating.
It is not yet clear if it will be in a fiscal policy advice or this appointment will be left for later, when there is already an advanced field work that has not been done until now.

The Finance proposal will be rather generic, “without going down to mud”, so that from there the communities are forced to negotiate.
The base document will take into account the dispersion of the population, overpopulation or infraficiation, but the department that directs María Jesús Montero assumes that “you can not be content to everyone.”

Hacienda does want me to open this melon to be with “dialogue” and that the communities “assume responsibility”.
That is, that the need to make assignments is evident by all parties and going abandoning maximal positions so that it can be seen or who makes the agreement possible or impossible.

As far as all the communities consulted by this journal are that the agreement must be “multilateral”, within the framework of the Fiscal Policy Council and not in bilateral agreements.
Nobody mentions it, but in the thought of many this Catalonia and the dialogue table launched by the Government and its possible assignments.